So ever since the announcement of Tachyon, I’ve been brainstorming of potential things to try with it once I get the hardware in hand. One Raspberry Pi project I’ve done previously is spinning up a LoRaWAN gateway on the things network (TTN) using a raspberry Pi HAT and following a tutorial. This was just for some LoRaWAN exploration some time ago.
What crossed my mind was the ability to use the Tachyon as the single board computer (SBC) with a LoRaWAN gateway hat and a monitor one enclosure to basically have an easy deployable outdoor, cellular based, fully customizable, add on sensors and cameras, LoRaWAN gateway. In this case the cellular traffic would go through particles carriers but the cloud side network server would be TTN or some other LoRaWAN service provider.
The main advantage I could see is this would allow local sensors and cameras to also be connected to the same gateway. Maybe the local sensors and camera feed would go through the particle cloud while LoRaWAN traffic would go through TTN.
The hat I used previously was this:
Conceptually would something like that work with the Tachyon?