SUCCESS: Multiple / Single DS18B20 temp sensors on a single OneWire bus

KThis sketch can be setup to run (1 to n) DS18B20 devices on a device. I used five. It is flexible in number of devices, sample times (90ms-whatever, or as fast as can be done), bit resolution (9-12bits), publishing max times, publishing min times (based on a defined temperature differential).

It is fast and does not depend on any delay functions except those built into the OneWire protocol. If you have 10 devices hooked up, you could get about 80 temperature conversions/second in 9-bit mode. This program has some built-in monitoring of CRC failures, that were used to find the source of the CRC errors. But with the fixed OneWire.cpp file, there are no errors for the Photon.

Through this project we discovered a bug in the implementation of OneWire. Mentioned by @remcohn in post above. If you include the fixed “OneWire.cpp” file as part of your compile, and you have one of the “fixable devices”, you will get ZERO CRC errors once you setup your experiment to run correctly (hookups, pullup resistor, etc). The OneWire bus is actually extremely robust when not interrupted in the middle of bit transfers. Hopefully, will have some suggestions to fix this for ALL its devices in the near future. See this thread for more information:

This is my first real attempt at writing and publishing a sketch that can be used by others. Excuse my coding style, formatting style, and commenting style, this is all new to me. Any feedback on better techniques would be appreciated.

If you find this useful, let me know…I am kind of proud of my first real program that interacts with the environment (temp sensors), haha.

Here is the final code...I probably won't be updating this here...I am trying to figure out GitHub.

 * Project TempSensors
 * Description: A flexible program that has many options to configure any number of DS18B20 devices on a single OneWire bus
 * Author: John Carrieres
 * Date: 6/21/2019

// If ONLY_ONE DS18B20 is being put on the bus AND you don't want to find and input is UNIQUE address, 
// search for "ONLY_ONE" to find the five or six places in code that need to change 
// I haven't actually tested that though...


#define ONEWIRE_SEARCH 0  // OneWire option: ignore the search code for devices/device addresses
#define ONEWIRE_CRC 1     // OneWire option: enable the CRC code
#define ONEWIRE_CRC16 0   // OneWire option: ignore 16-bit CRC code (redundant since CRC is eliminated on prior line)

#include "OneWire.h"
#include <tgmath.h>       // Only needed for the fabs() function...thinking about getting rid of this

//ds18b20 resolution is determined by the byte written to it's configuration register
enum DS18B20_RESOLUTION   : uint8_t {
  DS18B20_9BIT  = 0x1f,         //   9 bit   93.75 ms conversion time
  DS18B20_10BIT = 0x3f,         //  10 bit  187.50 ms conversion time
  DS18B20_11BIT = 0x5F,         //  11 bit  375.00 ms conversion time
  DS18B20_12BIT = 0x7F,         //  12 bit  750.00 ms conversion time

//if ds18b20 resolution is less than full 12-bit, the low bits of the data should be masked...
enum DS18B20_RES_MASK   :   uint8_t {
  DS18B20_9BIT_MASK  = 0xf8,        
  DS18B20_10BIT_MASK = 0xfc,      
  DS18B20_11BIT_MASK = 0xfe,        
  DS18B20_12BIT_MASK = 0xff,       

//ds18b20 conversion time is ALSO determined by the byte written to it's configuration register
enum DS18B20_CONVERSION_TIME   : uint16_t {
  DS18B20_9BIT_TIME  = 94,          //   9 bit   93.75 ms conversion time w/pad
  DS18B20_10BIT_TIME = 188,         //  10 bit  187.50 ms conversion time w/pad
  DS18B20_11BIT_TIME = 375,         //  11 bit  375.00 ms conversion time w/pad
  DS18B20_12BIT_TIME = 750,         //  12 bit  750.00 ms conversion time w/pad

#define DS18B20_PIN_ONEWIRE D2                       //  my system implements OneWire on Photon pin D2
#define NUM_DS18B20_DEVICES 5                        //  my system has FIVE DS18B20 devices attached to OneWire (on pin D2)
#define DS18B20_CONVERSION_TIME DS18B20_12BIT_TIME   //  match desired enumerated conversion time above
#define DS18B20_RESOLUTION  DS18B20_12BIT            //  match desired enumerated resolution above
#define DS18B20_RES_MASK DS18B20_12BIT_MASK          //  match desired enumerated resolution mask above (low bits at lower resolutions mean nothing)
#define DS18B20_CRC_RETRIES 2                        //  define how many DS18B20 CRC failure retries are done before moving on
#define DS18B20_FAIL_CRC_VALUE 0x07ff                //  returned when a CRC Fail Condition occurs: =2047 decimal...177 degree celsius...way outside of spec 
#define DS18B20_TEMP_HI_REG 0x55                     //  set to a known value, checkerboard pattern (could be used to abort a "going to fail" crc check)
#define DS18B20_TEMP_LO_REG 0xAA                     //  set to a known value, checkerboard pattern (ditto)

#define DS18B20_SAMPLE_INTERVAL  1000       //  defines project specific DS18B20 Sampling Interval, which determines how often to sample the 
                                            //  DS18B20 this code, interval reschedules automatically, but could be changed or
                                            //          implemented as a one-shot. 
                                            //  .....for periodic sampling, should be set to: DS18B20_CONVERSION_TIME + pad....but it doesn't matter
                                            //  IF SET to 0, temperature conversions are started and re-started as quickly as possible

//Publishing definitions and variables
#define PUBLISH_MAX_INTERVAL       300000     // every 5 minutes
#define PUBLISH_MIN_INTERVAL       1000     // every 1 second, publishing can occur this fast if a function requests a publishNOW, minimum 1000

  // publishing temperature differential, publish the data immediately (subject to PUBLISH_MIN_INTERVAL) if its 
  // temperature differential from the previous PUBLISHED value is greater than this number...used in a floating point comparison
  // ...An easy way to get quick publishes during testing...grab a probe with your hand and raise its temperature
#define PUBLISH_TEMPERATURE_DIFF      1     

bool publishNOW;                            // a particular function may request an immediate publish by setting this true
unsigned long currentMillis;                // set at the beginning of each pass through loop()
long int conversion_count_DS18B20;              //TESTING CODE , keeps track of the total # of DS18B20 conversions
long int crc_error_count_DS18B20;               //TESTING CODE , keeps track of the total # of CRC errors in DS18B20 conversions
long int crc_fail_count_DS18B20;                //TESTING CODE , keeps track of the total # of CRC failures (all tries) in DS18B20 conversions

// OneWire DS18B20 8-byte unique addresses that must be obtained and entered into the table below
// Use the OneWire example code called Address_Scanner to gather these...
// ...then input them into the array below.  
// Trying to to discover the addresses on the fly has proven to be troublesome for many who use multiple DS18B20 devices on a single OneWire
//'s more efficient to determine them and save them once forever, unless sensors in your system are constantly being swapped 
// ...for new ones...NOTE: finding addresses might be easy now with the FIX to the OneWire code that has been floated out there
// ONLY_ONE: addresses are not needed if there is ONLY_ONE DS18B20 on a OneWire bus, it is faster to not use them, but you still can use them
// If you don't want to find this unique addess for ONLY_ONE device, see the top of this file regarding ONLY_ONE device.
const uint8_t DS18B20_OneWire_ADDRESSES[NUM_DS18B20_DEVICES][8] = 
    {0x28, 0xAA, 0x8D, 0x68, 0x3F, 0x14, 0x01, 0x2E,    // address of first DS18B20 device
     0x28, 0xAA, 0x49, 0x88, 0x3F, 0x14, 0x01, 0x5A,    // address of 2nd DS18B20 device
     0x28, 0xAA, 0x49, 0x67, 0x3F, 0x14, 0x01, 0x89,    // ..
     0x28, 0xAA, 0xB3, 0x6E, 0x3F, 0x14, 0x01, 0x01,    // ..
     0x28, 0xAA, 0xF6, 0x6F, 0x3C, 0x14, 0x01, 0x51};   // address of last DS18B20 device

int16_t current_temps_raw[NUM_DS18B20_DEVICES];    // current raw readings from temperature sensors
float f_current_temps[NUM_DS18B20_DEVICES];        // current temperature readings from sensors
float f_current_temps_pub[NUM_DS18B20_DEVICES];    // last published temperatures readings from sensors

// Function declarations
void start_DS18B20_Conversions();   
int16_t read_DS18B20_Conversion(const uint8_t addr[8], uint8_t ptr);
void doTemperatureCalculations();
bool DS18B20_SamplingComplete();
bool publishAllStatus();
bool publishNonBlocking(const char sheet_name, const char message);
void publishData();
bool timeToPublish();

OneWire ds18b20_onewire(DS18B20_PIN_ONEWIRE);   // instantiate the OneWire bus

void setup() {


void loop() 
  currentMillis = millis();

  // Publish the status if conditions are met
  if (timeToPublish()) publishData();

  // When ready, update the current DS18B20 temperature readings
  if (DS18B20_SamplingComplete()) doTemperatureCalculations();

// function that publishes selected data...this will be expanded
void publishData(){
  if (publishAllStatus()) {     // function attempts to publish the status
    publishNOW = false;         // ...if successful then get ready for next publish
    for (uint8_t i = 0; i < NUM_DS18B20_DEVICES; i++) {
      f_current_temps_pub[i] = f_current_temps[i];  // update the published temperaturre data
      //other stuff to be added here

// function to check if it is time to Publish: either forced (publishNOW) or a timeout of the PUBLISH_MAX_INTERVAL
// and then setup for the next publish event
bool timeToPublish() {
  static long prior_publish_time;      
  if (((currentMillis - prior_publish_time >= PUBLISH_MIN_INTERVAL) && publishNOW) ||
      (currentMillis - prior_publish_time >= PUBLISH_MAX_INTERVAL)) {
    prior_publish_time = currentMillis;                    // setup for the next publish time
    //publishNOW = false;


// This code starts a conversion on all DS18B20s simultaneously, and then, later when the conversions are finished, reads the results
// There is only one sampled conversion for each DS18B20..if the sampled conversion fails the CRC checks, a previous sampled conversion is kept 
// Since there is no rush to get these conversions recorded, this function is designed so 
// ...that only one conversion read happens on any given pass through it.  This avoids cramming 
// ...a bunch of execution time into one particular pass of the user code.
bool DS18B20_SamplingComplete() {
  static long prior_DS18B20_interval_start = 10000; 
  static long prior_DS18B20_conversion_start = 10000;
  static long current_DS18B20_interval_start = 20000;
  static int16_t temperature_read_raw;
  static uint8_t DS18B20_ptr = 0;
  static bool DS18B20_conversion_reads_in_progress = false;

  // Enter the code body ONLY if within a valid DS18B20 sampling interval window AND prior DS18B20 temperature conversions have had time to complete
  if (((currentMillis - prior_DS18B20_conversion_start) >= DS18B20_CONVERSION_TIME)  && 
      ((currentMillis - prior_DS18B20_interval_start) >= DS18B20_SAMPLE_INTERVAL)) {

    if (!DS18B20_conversion_reads_in_progress && (DS18B20_ptr == 0)) {      
        // starts temperature conversions on all DS18B20 devices attached to the OneWire bus           
      prior_DS18B20_conversion_start = millis();                         // capture conversion start so the "reads" can be scheduled
      current_DS18B20_interval_start = prior_DS18B20_conversion_start;   // capture the start time so next interval can be scheduled
      DS18B20_conversion_reads_in_progress = true;
      conversion_count_DS18B20 += NUM_DS18B20_DEVICES; //TESTING: keeps track of the # of temperature conversions since reset
    else if (DS18B20_conversion_reads_in_progress) {
        // reads one of the DS18B20 temperature conversions
      temperature_read_raw = read_DS18B20_Conversion(DS18B20_OneWire_ADDRESSES[DS18B20_ptr], DS18B20_ptr); //if ONLY_ONE DS18B20, take out the address reference
      if (temperature_read_raw != DS18B20_FAIL_CRC_VALUE)
        current_temps_raw[DS18B20_ptr] = temperature_read_raw; 
      else crc_fail_count_DS18B20++;  //TESTING else keep the old value, there were CRC failures on the intial read AND retries

      if (++DS18B20_ptr >= NUM_DS18B20_DEVICES)   
        DS18B20_conversion_reads_in_progress = false;  // all DS18B20 conversions have been read
    else {              // all sampled conversion have been recorded, so setup for the next DS18B20 sample interval 
      DS18B20_ptr = 0;                  //  setup to read the sensors again
      prior_DS18B20_interval_start =    // check if (for any reason) it took longer than DS18B20_SAMPLE_INTERVAL to get the conversions
        ((currentMillis - current_DS18B20_interval_start) > DS18B20_SAMPLE_INTERVAL) ? millis() : current_DS18B20_interval_start;

// This does the temperature calculations (from the RAW values) and stores them,
// the latest results are updated and always available within these global arrays: 
// RAW values: current_temps_raw[NUM_DS18B20_DEVICES], these are the integer values read from the sensors
// current temperatures:  f_current_temps[NUM_DS18B20_DEVICES]
void doTemperatureCalculations() {
  float temperature;
  for (uint8_t i = 0; i < NUM_DS18B20_DEVICES; i++) {
    //temperature = current_temps_raw[i] / 16.0;  // this is the Celsius calculation read from the ds18b20
    temperature = current_temps_raw[i] / 16.0 * 1.8 + 32;  // this is the Farenheit calculation read from the ds18b20
         // force a publish if temperature has changed by more than 1 degree since last published
    if (fabs(f_current_temps_pub[i] - temperature) > PUBLISH_TEMPERATURE_DIFF) publishNOW = true;  
    f_current_temps[i] = temperature; 

// this function sets the resolution for ALL ds18b20s on an instantiated OneWire
void set_DS18B20_Resolutions(uint8_t resolution)  
  ds18b20_onewire.reset();        // onewire intialization sequence, to be followed by other commands
  ds18b20_onewire.write(0xcc);    // onewire "SKIP ROM" command, selects ALL ds18b20s on bus
  ds18b20_onewire.write(0x4e);    // onewire "WRITE SCRATCHPAD" command (requires write to 3 registers: 2 hi-lo regs, 1 config reg)
  ds18b20_onewire.write(DS18B20_TEMP_HI_REG);   // 1) write known value to temp hi register 
  ds18b20_onewire.write(DS18B20_TEMP_LO_REG);   // 2) write known value to temp lo register
  ds18b20_onewire.write(resolution);            // 3) write selected resolution to configuration registers of all ds18b20s

// this function intitalizes simultaneous temperature conversions for ALL ds18b20s on an instantiated OneWire
void start_DS18B20_Conversions()    
  ds18b20_onewire.reset();          // onewire intitialization sequence, to be followed by other commands
  ds18b20_onewire.write(0xcc);      // onewire "SKIP ROM" command, addresses ALL (or one if there is only one) ds18b20s on bus
  ds18b20_onewire.write(0x44);      // onewire wire "CONVERT T" command, starts temperature conversion on ALL ds18b20s

// A fast conversion read routine for a temperature from from a DS18B20 device, no CRC checking and
// avoids having to read all 9 bytes over that slooooooowwww OneWire
int16_t fast_read_DS18B20_Conversion(const uint8_t addr[8])  
  byte  data[2];

  ds18b20_onewire.reset();          // onewire intitialization sequence, to be followed by other commands;     // issues onewire "MATCH ROM" address which selects a SPECIFIC (only one) ds18b20 device
  ds18b20_onewire.write(0xBE);      // onewire "READ SCRATCHPAD" command, to access selected ds18b20's scratchpad
  data[0] =; // low byte of temperature conversion
  data[1] =; // high byte of temperature conversion
  ds18b20_onewire.reset();          // per spec...if not reading all 9 bytes of the scratchpad, a reset must be issued
  return ((int16_t) (data[1] << 8) | (data[0] & DS18B20_RES_MASK));

// this function returns the RAW temperature conversion result of a SINGLE selected DS18B20 device (via it's address)
// If there is a CRC failure in the process, the previously converted result is just re-read...a new conversion is not started.
// It is reattempted up to DS18B20_CRC_RETRIES times
// The pointer to a particular DS18B20 was addeed as a parameter for testing purposes  to check if a particular DS18B20 device
// was having issues with the OneWire Protocol.   I'm leaving it for now
int16_t read_DS18B20_Conversion(const uint8_t addr[8], uint8_t ptr)  // if ONLY_ONE DS18B20, take out address reference: read_DS18B20_Conversion(uint8_t ptr)
  byte  data[9];
  bool crc_error;
  int crc_retries = 0;

  do {
    ds18b20_onewire.reset();          // onewire intitialization sequence, to be followed by other commands;     // issues onewire "MATCH ROM" address which selects a SPECIFIC (only one) ds18b20 device
      //if ONLY_ONE DS18B20, replace the line above  ";" with the one directly below
      //  ds18b20_onewire.write(0xcc);      // onewire "SKIP ROM" command, selects the ONLY_ONE ds18b20 on bus without needing address
    ds18b20_onewire.write(0xBE);      // onewire "READ SCRATCHPAD" command, to access selected ds18b20's scratchpad
      // reading the bytes (9 available) of the selected ds18b20's scratchpad 
    for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) data[i] =;
      // check the crc
    crc_error = (data[8] != OneWire::crc8(data, 8));  

//TESTING Debug Code for CRC --------------------
// All of this code simply prints out CRC failures and their successful resolutions.   The failing CRC data can be compared
// to the passing CRC data...its a simple logic analyzer for OneWire CRC failures...
// this can be commented out if there is no interest in seeing the CRC errors if they occur
    float temperature;
    temperature = ((int16_t)((data[1] << 8) | (data[0] & DS18B20_RES_MASK)))/16*1.8+32;
    if (crc_error) crc_error_count_DS18B20++;  

    if (crc_error && crc_retries <= DS18B20_CRC_RETRIES) 
      Serial.printlnf("  CRC err #%02d:  %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x  device: %02d temp: %0.1f", 
          (crc_retries+1),data[8],data[7], data[6], data[5], data[4], data[3], data[2], data[1],data[0],ptr,temperature);
    else if (!crc_error && (crc_retries > 0)) {
      Serial.printlnf("  Actual Data:  %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x  device: %02d temp: %0.1f", 
          data[8],data[7], data[6], data[5], data[4], data[3], data[2], data[1],data[0],ptr, temperature);
    else if (crc_error) Serial.println();
//TESTING ----------------------------

  } while ((crc_error && (crc_retries++ < DS18B20_CRC_RETRIES)));

    // if the temperature conversion was successfully read, pass it back...else return the CRC FAIL value 
  return (int16_t) (crc_error ?  DS18B20_FAIL_CRC_VALUE : ((data[1] << 8) | (data[0] & DS18B20_RES_MASK)));

// Publishes the status, in my case: specifically sends it to a Google spreadsheet and the PoolController Android app
// Formatting (using snprintf) changes as per Scruff recommendation
bool publishAllStatus() {
  const char gsSheet[] = "temp";  // google sheet page
  char stats[622];  // place holder for now

snprintf(stats, sizeof(stats),

  return publishNonBlocking(gsSheet, stats);

// A wrapper around Partical.publish() to check connection first to prevent
// blocking. The prefix "pool-" is added to all names to make subscription easy.
// "name" is the "sheet" name within the google spreadsheet that this is being sent to
bool publishNonBlocking(const char* sheet_name, const char* message) {
    const char evtPrefix[] = "pool-";
    char evtName[sizeof(evtPrefix) + strlen(sheet_name)];

    snprintf(evtName, sizeof(evtName), "%s%s", evtPrefix, sheet_name);
    // TODO replace with a failure queue?
    if (Particle.connected()) {
        bool success = Particle.publish(evtName, message, PUBLIC); // TODO, need to understand ramifications of making this PRIVATE
//        Serial.printlnf("Published \"%s\" : \"%s\" with success=%d",
//                        name.c_str(), message.c_str(), success);
        return success;
    } else {
//        Serial.printlnf("Published \"%s\" : \"%s\" with success=0 no internet",
//                        name.c_str(), message.c_str());
    return false;