Hi! And sorry if my problem is very obvious but I just can’t figure it out!
I am playing with webhooks in order to get weather data. When I check on the dashboard, I see webhook response in two beautiful chunks. Apparently untouched except some escaping:
@LukeUSMC thanks for that tutorial, very helpful. I see two differences with what you’ve done:
Your response is in Json
You used response template in your webhook configuration.
I am going to try that and see if it works better than getting all the response and parse it “manually” (:
Here’s my webook (from particle webhook list):
1.) Hook ID 55d78fce6a877be930694c83 is watching for "get_weather"
and posting to: http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather?q=london&mode=xml&APPID=XXXXXX
created at 2015-08-21T20:53:34.895Z
Glad it helped! There’s a message size limit for webhooks so it was being broken up at the limit…I think at least. I prefer the response template way since it saves me from culling data I don’t want.