I am storing a struct in EEPROM and the expected size of the struct doesn’t match the stored size. In the example, I expect the struct to be 44 bytes. But reading back the data shows it is 48 bytes.
struct curveMetadata_t {
uint8_t type; // (1 bytes) calibration type (family) indicator
uint8_t numSets = 0; // (1 bytes) number of stored curves
float refPoints[5][2]; // (4*5*2 bytes) available reference pount values
uint16_t address; // (2 bytes) EEPROM address of first curve in family
} cv;
void setup() {
cv.type = 6;
cv.numSets = 4;
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) {
cv.refPoints[i][j] = i+3;
cv.address = 0x0508;
EEPROM.put(58, cv);
for (int c = 0; c < 50; c++) {
Serial.println(EEPROM.read(58 + c));
void loop() {
The results are shown below. Why are there 2 extra 00 bytes the beginning (06 04 00 00)? And why are there 2 extra bytes at the end (08 05 00 00 255 255). 255 is the empty EEPROM value.
@laughlin Thank you for including the reference to the Wikipedia article. That has explained a few odd observations when storing and retrieving structs from eeprom. I have been padding the whole structure to a 4 byte multiple before adding an integer checksum - storing parameters to survive restart and be upgradable as well as include a checksum. Do you know whether this behaviour (compiler padding) has changed with the latest version of C compiler?
This is not a new behavior. It will differ based on platform however, and so the same struct may be padded differently when compiled for x86_64, vs PIC16, STM32, etc because different platforms can have different memory word sizes. Essentially, by keeping variables word-aligned in memory, the amount of machine code, and time required to access/modify said variables in memory are (generally) drastically reduced.