SSD1306 SPI 128x32


I just got an Adafruit SSD1306 128x32 Monochrome OLED (link) which is SPI only and after reading through the documentation on both the Adafruit site and looking through the SSD1306 library (which has been abandoned and no longer exists on github) I am completely lost.

In addition, I can only use the web IDE due to a Linux version of Particle Dev not being released yet.

I would greatly appreciate any help!

You are in luck, the ingenious @peekay123 has got a living repo


But I can’t use it with the web IDE.

Why can’t you use it? It is present in the list of libraries. If you’re not seeing it, go to the settings tab, and click “clear cache”.

You’ll find a (+) symbold to add more code files that can take the contents of these lib files.


Thank you! It works great now!

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