Spark.variable() STRINGS larger than 9 chars issue [SOLVED]

Hi @Dom,

Yes, thanks to some awesome pull requests!

char *bigString = "This is a really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really long string";

void setup() {
    Spark.variable("bigString", bigString, STRING);

Just to be clear: the variable must be char[], not String object.

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Topic updated appended: [SOLVED]

Just a question… shouldn’t it be possible to make it work with String objects as well? That would make Spark.variable() of type STRING make more logical sense and more universal.

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Thanks for updating the topic!

Yes, I agree, I have a bug in the queue for making it work with String objects as well, since that definitely tripped me up at first when I tried it. :confused:

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Few hours ago @zachary made an update to master that now supports strings up to full queue length. So “final” limit seems to be now 622 characters and won’t timeout if you try longer (it just cuts the string at limit).

The first byte of queue was also part of size variable instead of sole second one that I had figured out in my version.

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Is it still working? With this code:

char* ledStat = "hello there!";
void setup() {
  Spark.variable("ledStatus", &ledStat, STRING);

I get:

  "cmd": "VarReturn",
  "name": "ledStatus",
  "result": "\u0016ďż˝\u0001\b\b",
  "coreInfo": {
    "last_app": "",
    "last_heard": "2014-03-07T15:04:24.068Z",
    "connected": true,
    "deviceID": "xxx"

If that is expected, how do I parse the string via JavaScript?

Ah, I think the problem is that ledStat is already a pointer, try it without the “&”

That worked. Thank you @Dave! :smile:

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Why wouldn’t my published variable change if it is changing in the application?

I have a bit of code (abridged)

char *stsMessage = "12312341234123412341234123412341234123412341234123412341234";//[40] = "";

/* This function is called once at start up ----------------------------------*/

void setup()
  //Expose variables to the cloud
  Spark.variable("strReceived", inSerial, STRING);
  Spark.variable("statResp", stsMessage, STRING);

In my application, I say

int DisplayMessage (void){
                    switch (stsArVal[1]) {
                        case 1:
                          //do something when var equals 1
                          stsMessage= "1= WAITING TO SAMPLE";

When I print to serial, the variable is updated. When I go to another function and print the same variable to serial (which should make any scope problems a non-issue I think), I also get the proper response.

You see, stsMessage is getting overwritten with new information. This is properly conveyed to the serial port but not in the cloud.
Incidentally, strReceived is getting properly updated. Is this an issue with using char* ?

When I call this variable from the cloud, it is not updated.

Hi @ruben,

I think you’re running into a fun C quirk with pointers, yay pointers! :slight_smile:

When you’re setting up a Spark.variable, you’re saying you have something interesting at a particular address in memory, in this case the address of “stsMessage” during setup. When you assign it a new value in the loop, instead of copying your new information into that same spot in memory, you’re pointing stsMessage somewhere else, in this case to the address of “WAITING TO SAMPLE”. I think if you used strcpy, or something similar, and initialized stsMessage to a larger array for strings, you’d be golden, e.g.:

char stsMessage[64];
void setup() {
    Spark.variable("statResp", stsMessage, STRING);
void loop() {
   strcpy(stsMessage, "Hey hey");

I hope that helps! :slight_smile:


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that is indeed what i ended up doing. I'll post the final version to github and update w the link for posterity.
thank you.

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I believe I have the same issue. If I understand correctly, I should copy using “strcpy” before I sprintf, correct? Would the same thing apply to spark.publish?
Also, does the “sts” do something such as replace the “&”?

Hi @Dup,

The “sts” in this case is just his naming convention, not needed If you’re using sprintf, then sprintf is printing into that character array, and you don’t need to do a strcpy. :smile:

This also doesn’t apply to Spark.publish calls, since it just pulls whatever is there at the moment you call that command, instead of referring to an address you pointed to earlier and then changed.


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My code seems to be working and the led is breathing cyan but it seems to lose connectivity to the cloud.

I will keep troubleshooting!


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