I have been diligently following the Spark.variable example but cannot get a variable to return. The error message back is “Timed out”. The code is shown below. The same code also allows a relay to be switched on/off via the relay board. This works fine. It is only trying to get the variable “sensor” that times out. Any ideas anyone?
int RELAY1 = D0;
int RELAY2 = D1;
int RELAY3 = D2;
int RELAY4 = D3;
int iSensor = A1;
int iSensorVal = 0;
char *vSensorStatus = "test";
void setup() {
//Initilize the relay control pins as output
pinMode(RELAY1, OUTPUT);
pinMode(RELAY2, OUTPUT);
pinMode(RELAY3, OUTPUT);
pinMode(RELAY4, OUTPUT);
// Initialise the sensor pin
pinMode(iSensor, INPUT); // sets pin as input
// Initialize all relays to an OFF state
digitalWrite(RELAY1, LOW);
digitalWrite(RELAY2, LOW);
digitalWrite(RELAY3, LOW);
digitalWrite(RELAY4, LOW);
//register the Spark function
Spark.function("relay", relayControl);
//register the core variables
Spark.variable("sensor", vSensorStatus, STRING);
void loop() {
iSensorVal = analogRead(iSensor); // read the input pin
if((4060 < iSensorVal)) {
digitalWrite(RELAY2, 1);
vSensorStatus = "closed";
else {
digitalWrite(RELAY2, 0);
vSensorStatus = "open";
// command format r1,HIGH
int relayControl(String command)
int relayState = 0;
// parse the relay number
int relayNumber = command.charAt(1) - '0';
// do a sanity check
if (relayNumber < 1 || relayNumber > 4) return -1;
// find out the state of the relay
if (command.substring(3,7) == "HIGH") relayState = 1;
else if (command.substring(3,6) == "LOW") relayState = 0;
else return -1;
// write to the appropriate relay
digitalWrite(relayNumber-1, relayState);
return 1;
The PHP code used to generate the CURL requests is as follows:
I’m not sure about the time out, but one problem lies in the way you declare an use your vSensorStatus variable.
The way you do declare it places the string literal into flash and lets the pointer refer to it.
When you then change the string you are actually redirecting the pointer to another location in flash (wherever build had put the other literals) but Spark.variable will still point to the old location.
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