Spark Core and Android Application

@zach: I’ve downloaded the android-app source and I tried to follow the instructions but got a bit stuck with this part:

You must add smartconfiglib.jar to the SparkCore/libs directory.

To get the SmartConfig library, go to the CC3000 Wi-Fi Downloads page. Search the page for the Android SmartConfig Application. Download and unpack the app, which will require Windows. :-/ You can find smartconfiglib.jar in the libs directory of TI's app.

I could only find “ and .exe” and “SmartConfigJavaApplet-1_1-windows-installer.exe”, where the first does not seem to contain anything like SmartConfigLib.jar and it does not setup on my Win8.1 32bit. The the other one only contains a SmartConfig.html and SmartConfig.jar - which does not exactly seem to be the one.

Am I missing somethig here?

Edit: YES, I was missing something :blush:

If I just had drilled down a bit deeper into the zip, I would have finally found it here\InstallerData\Disk1\InstData\\C_\yael\SmartConfig_CC3xAndroid_Source\SmartConfigCC3X\libs_zg_ia_sf.jar\smartconfiglib.jar  

So you don’t need to install the app on a Windows machine. Just rename the .exe to .zip and keep digging down the above path, then you can pull out the desired file only :wink: