Hi guys
I am making MQTT code with MQTT libraries and bluemix quickstart
There is one problem.
After the my photon(client) connect and publish some data, the connection between server and client is broken.
This is my code
void loop() {
if (client.isConnected()) {
// client.loop();
char buf[250];
sprintf(buf, "{\"d\":{\"myName\":\"Photon\",\"potentiometer\": %d }}", analogRead(A0));
else {
bool rc = client.connect("d:quickstart:Photon:00FFBBCCDE10");
And the result of serial is here
I don’t know why the connection was broken during publishing.
Are there some ideas to solve this problem?
February 11, 2016, 10:01am
Is it actually breaking off in the middle of one publish?
That would be odd, but a connection being closed might happen any time for a multitude of reasons, so testing for !client.isConnected()
first, (re)connect if required and then publish (or return();
“prematurely” if the (re)connection fails).
doesn’t actually loop but just finishes, then a lot of stuff happens and then loop()
gets called again - and so on.
So rather be prepared for a closed connection.
Breaking appears between publishes.
After client.isConnected(), after 3 or 4 publishing, then the connection is broken.
I guess that the delay function may be reason of this problem.
As using interval timer, to avoid disconnection problem
Hi guys,
I am using Spark Interval Timer library and MQTT library to control publishing interval.
But in the interrupt function, the MQTT publish function can’t act then the entire code is stopped.
Then the photon blink stops(light blue)
Here is my entire code
#include "SparkIntervalTimer.h"
#include "MQTT.h"
// Declare timer class
IntervalTimer myTimer;
char buf[250];
void callback(char* topic, byte* payload, unsigned int length);
void interruptFunc();
// Set the server domain and por…
Thank you guys