[Solved] IEEE byte array to float publish

I try to convert an array of byte to a float value.

I found on many posts over the internet that union is the right choice for that.
However when I try to publish my float (using sprintf) I get 0,0 instead of 60.8

union test

   unsigned char buf[4];
   float number;

test.buf[0] = 0x42;
test.buf[1] = 0x73;
test.buf[2] = 0x33;
test.buf[3] = 0x34;

PublishBuf(test.buf, 4); //function to publish an array of byte

char StringValue[10];
sprintf(StringValue, "%.2f", test.number );
Particle.publish("Value", StringValue);

test.number is correctly published, I get the right value.
Anybody understand what I’m doing wrong ?

wrong endian-ness

union test
  unsigned char buf[4];
  float number;

void setup() 
  test.buf[3] = 0x42;
  test.buf[2] = 0x73;
  test.buf[1] = 0x33;
  test.buf[0] = 0x34;

void loop() 


Thank you very much @BulldogLowell ! It’s working great now

Thanks for the help!

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