Im trying to compile some code i wrote for the photon to run on my electron but i am getting errors with analog read. I know my code is a mess but the simple functions i am calling should work at least. any help would be appreciated. Im running 0.5.1 firmware on my particle electron.
cruiserelectronce2.cpp:347:1: error: 'mainRaw' does not name a type
mainRaw = analogRead(A0); //main battery voltage
cruiserelectronce2.cpp:348:1: error: 'auxRaw' does not name a type
auxRaw = analogRead(A1); //aux battery voltage
cruiserelectronce2.cpp:349:1: error: 'accRaw' does not name a type
accRaw = analogRead(A2); //acc battery voltage
cruiserelectronce2.cpp:350:1: error: 'lightRaw' does not name a type
lightRaw = analogRead(A5); //ambient light sensor
cruiserelectronce2.cpp:356:1: error: 'main' does not name a type
main = map(mainRaw, 0, 4096, 0, 1865);
cruiserelectronce2.cpp:357:1: error: 'aux' does not name a type
aux = map(auxRaw, 0, 4096, 0, 1865);
cruiserelectronce2.cpp:358:1: error: 'acc' does not name a type
acc = map(accRaw, 0, 4096, 0, 1865);
cruiserelectronce2.cpp:359:1: error: 'light' does not name a type
light = map(lightRaw, 0, 4050, 1100, 1500);
cruiserelectronce2.cpp:363:1: error: 'main' does not name a type
main = (main / 100);
cruiserelectronce2.cpp:364:1: error: 'aux' does not name a type
aux = (aux / 100);
cruiserelectronce2.cpp:365:1: error: 'acc' does not name a type
acc = (acc / 100);
cruiserelectronce2.cpp:366:1: error: 'light' does not name a type
light = (light / 100);
cruiserelectronce2.cpp:368:1: error: 'Blynk' does not name a type
Blynk.virtualWrite(10, main);
cruiserelectronce2.cpp:369:1: error: 'Blynk' does not name a type
Blynk.virtualWrite(11, aux);
cruiserelectronce2.cpp:370:1: error: 'Blynk' does not name a type
Blynk.virtualWrite(12, acc);
make[1]: *** [../build/target/user/platform-10cruiserelectronce2.o] Error 1
make: *** [user] Error 2
Error: Could not compile. Please review your code.
#include "blynk/blynk.h"
#include "blynk/BlynkSimpleParticle.h"
#include "SparkCorePolledTimer/SparkCorePolledTimer.h"
#include "spark-dallas-temperature/spark-dallas-temperature.h"
#include "OneWire/OneWire.h"
#include "MCP23008-I2C/MCP23008-I2C.h" //I2C STUFF
#include "Adafruit_DHT/Adafruit_DHT.h"
#define ONE_WIRE_BUS D2 // Data wire is plugged into pin D2 on the particle
#define TEMPERATURE_PRECISION 12 // DS18B20 Thermometer Stuff
#define DHT1PIN C0 // what pin we're connected to
#define DHT2PIN C1 // what pin we're connected to
#define DHT1TYPE DHT22 // DHT 22 (AM2302)
#define DHT2TYPE DHT22 // DHT 22 (AM2302)
STARTUP(cellular_credentials_set("broadband", "", "", NULL));
//WidgetLED led1(V31); //BLYNK LED WIDGET on bluetooth connected
//WidgetLED led2(V30); //BLYNK LED WIDGET off bluetooth not connected
//WidgetLED led3(V29); //BLYNK LED WIDGET true 29 always on for some reason
//WidgetLED led4(V28); //BLYNK LED WIDGET false
//WidgetLED led5(V27); //BLYNK LED WIDGET false
//const int pinTrig = D6; //bt signal in on D6
//const uint32_t msBlinking = 2000; //bt LED needs to be lit more than
//volatile uint32_t msLastTrig; //bt trigger
//bool connected; //bt low not connected, high is connected,
//bool locked; //low locked, high unlocked
//bool running; //low running, high not running
//int motionOut = 3; //low motionOut, high no motion on D3
//int motionIn = 4; //low motionIn, high no motion on D4
//int motion1 = 0; // variable to store the read value for motionOut
//int motion2 = 0; // variable to store the read value for motionIn
//if locked = true && running = true && motionOut = true && connected = true then unlock
//if locked = true && running = false && motionOut = true && connected = true then unlock
//if locked = false && running = true && motionOut = true && connected = false then lock
//if locked = false && running = false && motionOut = true && connected = false then lock
//if motion = true, turn on bluetooth for 10 seconds
//if connected = true && locked = true, then unlock
//if connected = false && locked = fase, then lock
//need visual motion sensor to turn on high frequency motion sensor?
//or of car goes from an on state to off state turn on motion
//int lastAccState = LOW; // acc previous state
//int threshold = 500; // acc truck is running threshold value
//const int moTrig = D4; //motion signal in on D4
//const uint32_t msMotion = 500 //motion signal to be low more than xxx gets rid of false triggers
//volatile uint32_t msMotTrig; //motion trigger
//int motionOut = 4; //motion sensed returns 0 or 1
//int motionIn = 3;
//int out = 0;
//int in = 0;
//bool locked; //door lock returns 0 or 1
//OneWire oneWire(ONE_WIRE_BUS); // DS18B20 Thermometer Stuff
//DallasTemperature sensors(&oneWire); // DS18B20 Thermometer Stuff
Adafruit_MCP23008 mcp; // I2C STUFF
SparkCorePolledTimer updateTimer(5000); //Create a timer object and set it's timeout in milliseconds 180K = 5 minutes
void OnTimer(void); //Prototype for timer callback method
float main, mainRaw, aux, auxRaw, acc, accRaw, light, lightRaw;
float h1, t1;
//float h1, t1, h2, t2;
//float bt, btRaw;
//define temp address
//DeviceAddress Thermometer1 = { 0x28, 0xFF, 0x44, 0x50, 0x16, 0x15, 0x3, 0xC }; //outside temp
//DeviceAddress Thermometer2 = { 0x28, 0xFF, 0xD5, 0x4D, 0x16, 0x15, 0x3, 0xD3 }; //inside temp
//DeviceAddress Thermometer3 = { 0x28, 0xFF, 0x2D, 0x37, 0x16, 0x15, 0x3, 0xF8 }; //fridge temp
//DeviceAddress Thermometer4 = { 0x28, 0xFF, 0x6A, 0x24, 0x16, 0x15, 0x3, 0xF0 }; //spare temp
// define temp bit resolution ie: int, float, double
//double InTempC = -1; //this line could probably get deleted, also 0 instead of -1
//double Temp1 = -1;
//double Temp2 = -1;
//double Temp3 = -1;
//double Temp4 = -1;
//void update18B20Temp(DeviceAddress deviceAddress, double &tempC);
//end temp stuff
//bt trigger stuff
//void trig()
// msLastTrig = millis(); //bt trigger timing
// msMotTrig = millis(); //motion trigger timing
void setup()
Blynk.begin("7d00133276504bf2b36b871f52266b8c", IPAddress(45,55,130,102), 8442); //blynk token with electron address
//Blynk.begin(auth); // BLYNK initialization
//Particle.function("lock", lock);
//Particle.function("unlock", unlock);
Particle.keepAlive(20); //number of seconds between keep alive pings. Each ping uses 121 bytes of data
//pinMode(pinTrig, INPUT); //bt trigger
//attachInterrupt(pinTrig, trig, FALLING); //bt trigger
//pinMode(motionOut, INPUT); //motion trigger
//attachInterrupt(moTrig, trig, FALLING); //motion trigger
//pinMode(motionIn, INPUT); //motion trigger
//attachInterrupt(moTrig, trig, FALLING);
//sensors.begin(); // DS18B20 initialization
//sensors.setResolution(Thermometer1, TEMPERATURE_PRECISION);
//sensors.setResolution(Thermometer2, TEMPERATURE_PRECISION);
//sensors.setResolution(Thermometer3, TEMPERATURE_PRECISION);
//sensors.setResolution(Thermometer4, TEMPERATURE_PRECISION);
pinMode(A0, INPUT); //main battery voltage
pinMode(A1, INPUT); //aux battery voltage
pinMode(A2, INPUT); //acc voltage use to tell if vehicle is running
//pinMode(A3, INPUT); //spare
//pinMode(A4, INPUT); //spare
pinMode(A5, INPUT); //ambient light sensor
//pinMode(A6, INPUT); //spare
//pinMode(A7, INPUT); //spare
//pinMode(D0, INPUT); //used by I2C Relays DO NOT ENABLE
//pinMode(D1, INPUT); //used by I2C Relays DO NOT ENABLE
//pinMode(D2, INPUT); //used by TEMP Sensors DO NOT ENABLE
//pinMode(D3, INPUT_PULLUP); //inner motion trigger pulled high
//pinMode(D4, INPUT_PULLUP); //outer motion trigger pulled high
//pinMode(D5, OUTPUT); //spare / inner motion
//pinMode(D6, INPUT); //used by BT photoresistor DO NOT ENABLE
//pinMode(D7, OUTPUT); //shows visual of connection boolean, outer motion
//pinmode(lock, OUTPUT);
//pinmode(unlock, OUTPUT);
mcp.begin(); // use default address 0
mcp.pinMode(0, OUTPUT);
mcp.pinMode(1, OUTPUT);
mcp.pinMode(2, OUTPUT);
mcp.pinMode(3, OUTPUT);
mcp.pinMode(4, OUTPUT);
mcp.pinMode(5, OUTPUT);
mcp.pinMode(6, OUTPUT);
mcp.pinMode(7, OUTPUT);
BLYNK_WRITE(0) { //bluetooth power
if (param.asInt()) {
mcp.digitalWrite(0, HIGH);
} else {
mcp.digitalWrite(0, LOW);}}
BLYNK_WRITE(1) { //start/stop
if (param.asInt()) {
mcp.digitalWrite(1, HIGH);
} else {
mcp.digitalWrite(1, LOW);}}
BLYNK_WRITE(2) { //spare - used for calibrating motion sensor
if (param.asInt()) {
mcp.digitalWrite(2, HIGH);
} else {
mcp.digitalWrite(2, LOW);}}
BLYNK_WRITE(3) { //windows vent
if (param.asInt()) {
mcp.digitalWrite(3, HIGH);
} else {
mcp.digitalWrite(3, LOW);}}
BLYNK_WRITE(4) { //windows down
if (param.asInt()) {
mcp.digitalWrite(4, HIGH);
} else {
mcp.digitalWrite(4, LOW);}}
BLYNK_WRITE(5) { //windows up
if (param.asInt()) {
mcp.digitalWrite(5, HIGH);
} else {
mcp.digitalWrite(5, LOW);}}
BLYNK_WRITE(6) { //unlock
if (param.asInt()) {
mcp.digitalWrite(6, HIGH);
mcp.digitalWrite(6, LOW);
mcp.digitalWrite(6, HIGH);
} else {
mcp.digitalWrite(6, LOW);}}
BLYNK_WRITE(7) { //lock
if (param.asInt()) {
mcp.digitalWrite(7, HIGH);
mcp.digitalWrite(7, LOW);
mcp.digitalWrite(7, HIGH);
} else {
mcp.digitalWrite(7, LOW);}}
void loop()
h1 = dht1.getHumidity();
t1 = dht1.getTempCelcius();
// h2 = dht2.getHumidity();
// t2 = dht2.getTempCelcius();
void OnTimer(void) { //Handler for the timer, will be called automatically
// DS18B20 change to farenheight and calibrate - change to *1.8 + 32
// sensors.requestTemperatures();
// update18B20Temp(Thermometer1, InTempC);
// Temp1 = (InTempC * 9)/5 + 32;
// update18B20Temp(Thermometer2, InTempC);
// Temp2 = (InTempC * 9)/5 + 31.33;
// update18B20Temp(Thermometer3, InTempC);
// Temp3 = (InTempC * 9)/5 + 31.67;
// update18B20Temp(Thermometer4, InTempC);
// Temp4 = (InTempC * 9)/5 + 32;
t1 = ((float) (t1 * 1.8) + 32); //scale celcius to F
h1 = ((float) (h1 * 10) / 10.0); //add a decimal place?
// t2 = ((float) (t2 * 1.8) + 32); //scale celcius to F
// h2 = ((float) (h2 * 10) / 10.0); //add a decimal place?
if ( t1 < 100 && t1 > 1) { //inside temp
Blynk.virtualWrite(21, t1);
if ( h1 < 100 && h1 > 1) { //outside temp
Blynk.virtualWrite(22, h1);
//if ( t2 < 100 && t2 > 1) { //inside temp
// Blynk.virtualWrite(23, t2);
//if ( h2 < 100 && h2 > 1) { //outside temp
// Blynk.virtualWrite(24, h2);
//motion1 = digitalRead(motionOut); // read the input pin only but write only every 5 sec,
//motion2 = digitalRead(motionIn); // read the input pin only but write only every 5 sec,
// digitalWrite(D7, motion1); // sets the LED to the button's value
// digitalWrite(D5, motion2); // sets the LED to the button's value
updateTimer.Update(); // new stuff i dont think we need this one
//void update18B20Temp(DeviceAddress deviceAddress, double &tempC)
//tempC = sensors.getTempC(deviceAddress);
// read temperature and discard reading between 150 and -30, write to blynk - add averaging
//if ( Temp1 < 150 && Temp1 > -30) { //inside temp
// Blynk.virtualWrite(21, Temp1);
//if ( Temp2 < 150 && Temp2 > -30) { //outside temp
// Blynk.virtualWrite(22, Temp2);
//if ( Temp3 < 150 && Temp3 > -30) { //fridge temp
// Blynk.virtualWrite(23, Temp3);
//if ( Temp4 < 150 && Temp4 > -30) { //spare temp
// Blynk.virtualWrite(24, Temp4);
// read analog ports and rename for mapping and virtual pin assignment - add averaging
mainRaw = analogRead(A0); //main battery voltage
auxRaw = analogRead(A1); //aux battery voltage
accRaw = analogRead(A2); //acc battery voltage
lightRaw = analogRead(A5); //ambient light sensor
//motionOut = digitalRead(D2); //outer motion sensor
//btRaw = analogRead(A4);
// map analog input scale output
main = map(mainRaw, 0, 4096, 0, 1865);
aux = map(auxRaw, 0, 4096, 0, 1865);
acc = map(accRaw, 0, 4096, 0, 1865);
light = map(lightRaw, 0, 4050, 1100, 1500);
//bt = map(btRaw, 300, 3500, 0, 100);
// correct decimal place for blynk display
main = (main / 100);
aux = (aux / 100);
acc = (acc / 100);
light = (light / 100);
Blynk.virtualWrite(10, main);
Blynk.virtualWrite(11, aux);
Blynk.virtualWrite(12, acc);
//Blynk.virtualWrite(13, motionOut);
//Blynk.virtualWrite(14, connected);
//Blynk.virtualWrite(15, light);
//Blynk.virtualWrite(16, D4);
//Blynk.virtualWrite(17, D3);
//connected = (digitalRead(pinTrig) && (millis() - msLastTrig > msBlinking)); //bt connected boolean
//digitalWrite(D7, connected); //bt shows visual of connection boolean, not neccessary
//working BT led code
//if ( connected == 1) //Bluetooth LED is solid
//WidgetLED led1(31); //turn on "on"LED configured on virtual pin 31.
//else {;}
//if ( connected == 0) //Bluetooth LED is blinking or off
//WidgetLED led2(30); //turn on "off" LED configured on virtual pin 30
//else {;}
//end BT led code