Sharp Memory Display + SparkCore


Sharp just emailed the datasheet. It’s attached below. Let me know what you think.

@RWB, it a hardware spec but lacks the programming details. :disappointed:

@peekay123 I emailed Sharp to see if they can provide any more info about this.

I’m also hoping that maybe the company you linked to will reply with the Arduino Code they used but I’m not holding my breath for that to happen.

I’ll dig something up eventually. The screens look pretty cool, can’t wait to try it out.

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@peekay123 Here is what Sharp has to say about the changes. I’m not expert but it looks like the needed changes are minimal to get the library working with the new color screens. Let me know what you think:

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@RWB, awesome! We can get this working. I’m traveling a bunch and don’t have access to my normal dev setup. Can you link me to a basic gist example for displaying data on the old 96x96 display you have? We’ll modify it to test the new image format.

I can also write a image converter for you. My old one was Python. Does that work?

@RWB, great start! I am still interested in that other company’s code though so hopefully they get back to you.

@harrisonhjones I’m happy to hear that you’re willing to help out with getting the new color screen up and running. It’s perfect for long life battery based projects.

I’m never used Python before but I can follow instructions learn it real quick.

At the moment I’m using @peekay123 's Arduino Modified GFX library along with a Teensy 3.1 since it has the memory needed for what I’m doing but I also plan on using it with the Particle 3G and Photon so both the Arduino & Photo librarys are useful to a lot of people. I think this thread is one of the biggest on the net about Memory LCD’s so it’s pulling in Photon users and Arduino users who are searching for info on these screens on the search engines.

I’m not sure what the difference is between Arduino and Photon libraries but I don’t’ think it’s much.

@peekay123 can you link to your most up to date Sharp Memory LCD Library for @harrisonhjones ?

@RWB, @harrisonhjones, here is the link to the library:

The main difference between the monochrome and color displays is the bit-packing that is required since now 1 pixel = 3 bits. So each line is 48bytes (128 3-bit pixels). The only trick is now the 3-bit boundaries don’t match up with byte boundaries. No biggy but just a pain. A fully buffered screen will need 6,144bytes of RAM which is fine on both Core and Photon IMO. :smile:


Boards ordered, looking forward to get to the soldering. Would greatly appreciate if you could publish the BOM.

@harrisonhjones & @peekay123

About this new color LCD and its new data formatting, it sounds like @harrisonhjones is willing to take on creating the custom code & @peekay123 already has a working library setup.

Is there anything I can do to help out in getting this new screen up and running? Let me know if so.

@RWB, keep asking for help/code from the DisplayModule folks :smile:

@peekay123 I will do that and I’ve sent 3 messages, but I don’t think they are going to release it until they are also selling the LCD screen. I’ll keep digging.

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Received the boards :slight_smile: eager to start soldering and try out the screen. Its a perfect summer project so please let me know when you have the BOM available.

@harrisonhjones peekay123 I took another look at that video that DisplayModule folks put up and noticed that it’s just some stripes of the 7 different colors and the other screens are showing just the solid colors. They did not not have any text in their demo which is really what we would like to know more about.

So I could easily get the color display to show stripes and solid screen colors like them by simply writing the 3 bit color codes for how ever many lines I want a certain color displayed.

Looks like were really starting from scratch on this library unless we can adapt some other 8 color LCD library that’s used for a different LCD screen.

It’s beyond my knowledge base but I’m looking forward to seeing what it takes somebody else to get a working library hacked up.

Hello, just reminding you if you had forgotten. It still would be convenient to get that BOM instead of setting up a new solution.

Sorry for the crazy-long delay getting back. I updated my earlier post with the BOM.