Sometimes think it would be a good idea to have a ‘Advice’ category…
I am developing an application on a photon - it is chugging along nicely (after I found the hint from Scruff on how to compile with local atom when using Fastled - search really helps - thanks Scruff!)
ANyway, as I said the development is going well and I am using my local WIFI at home (between being asked to look after grandkid
Eventually when I get the project complete, I will be deploying it to my office which is obviously on another WIFI network. Also obviously I have the credentials to connect to that WIFI but I am seeking advise on the best method to ‘register’ this other network from home so when I take the finished project into work it will connect automatically.
I believe I can store (5) sets of WIFI network credentials in the photon and I assume like my Iphone that the photon will connect to whichever one is physically available.
I assume that I would (at home) use WIFI.setCredentials (specifying the security type because the network will be essentially ‘offline’).
FWIW - the project will monitor a microphone and sample ‘x’ period of time (or until a break of silence is encountered). It will send this to a speech API and get the plain text returned.
After evaluating the text looking for specific words (naughty words), it will set the next not-red of an array (24) of neopixels. Over time these leds will ‘decay’ - i.e the topmost red will fade to black, followed by the next one etc.
It may work - then again it may not - only one way to find out
If anyone has a small amount of time could they advise re if my plan (using wifi.setCredentials) is viable?