Sending UDP [broadcast vs unicast)

I was wondering if anyone can help me here. It seems like a simple problem but I am getting strange results

Below is a simple example of code to show the problem:

UDP Udp;

void setup() {

void loop() {

If I flash this code with:
Udp.beginPacket(“”,3000); (broadcast address)

The code flashes, over several seconds, I get breathing Cyan (but no UDP broadcast packets), followed by breathing Green, followed breathing Cyan and immediate UDP packets.

If I flash this code with:
Udp.beginPacket(“”,3000); (unicast address)

The code flashes, over several seconds, I get breathing Cyan (but no UDP broadcast packets), followed by breathing Green, followed breathing Cyan but no UDP packets.

Hi @trneal

You do not have the correct method for using udp.beginPacket with an IP address. Here is the doc:

So try this instead:


Actually I get exactly the same results using either “” and IPAddress(192,168,3,255)

So there is really two questions here:

  1. What with the breathing cyan -> breathing green -> breathing cyan after a normal firmware flash.

  2. Why the different behavior between broadcast and unicast addresses.

The same exist symptoms/issues occur with the “” and


Actually I found by problem between broadcast and unicast relating to an ARP issue between two linked wifi access points.

Maybe the breathing cyan -> breathing green -> breathing cyan [after an otherwise normal flash] is normal. It just caused a delay in the startup of the function.

If your code turns the Particle cloud off explicitly, then you get breathing green, meaning connected to the Internet but not the cloud. I am not sure why you are seeing that if you are not turning off the cloud.

Normally a quoted string IP address like you have does not work. You either need a hostname like “” that DNS can resolve, or an IP address object or an uint8_t array. DNS cannot resolve addresses like “192.x.x.x”.

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Breathing green also happens when the code blocks the cloud house keeping

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