RGB Led Matrix Display like todo 384x32 pixels

@MoududHassan, I have to check that the RGBMatrixPanel library on the IDE is up-to-date first. Then I’ll need to setup the 32x128 scrolling text example I have on the IDE so I can share it with you. I’ll try to get that done tonight.

Any update? and led matrix r1, r2, g1, g2 will be in digital pin of photon?

@MoududHassan, the code I will post will include the pin assignment for connecting to the panel.

Any update?

Why I am getting like this? My pin configuration is
#define CLK D6
#define OE D7
#define LAT A4
#define A A0
#define B A1
#define C A2
#define D A3
#define R1 D0
#define G1 D1
#define R2 D3
#define G2 D4