Because you want to control that pin to reset the RFID reader by code, but the RST pin on the Photon can't be controlled via code and would also reset the Photon and not the RFID reader alone.
SInce there is not delay() in loop() you potentially also violate the rate limit for Particle.publish()
If you want to check the initialisation you can copy/paste the library sources to your project and sprinkle some Log.trace() statements all over the code.
Instead of using SPI.begin() and SPI.setClockDivider() in your setup, I’d rather use the libraries own function mfrc522.setSPIConfig() tho’
You can also add some debug statement and check the state of A1 (reset pin). It should be HIGH after initialisation.
Check if your board works with this project if it doesn’t, then it’s either a wiring problem or a dead board problem. Remember to connect RST pin to D3 because you have it to A1 and in my project I use it at D3.
The code was taken from the github of one of the guys who posted in the thread of 2014.
Thx for ideas and sharing code example: it works by using your code lpared12 (after I activated soft-SPI in sheet “RFID.h” and D2 as in the code defined for RST). I tested well the libary-example DumpInfo with success!
Previously I had soldered the PINs again, so thanks also to ScruffR with his eagle eyes.
Remark: In the following I tested round about 20 customer cards to see what happend. OK no response.
Then I tried my business admission card, which gives me access to premises. I was expecting an identification: at least with the issue of CardID, but there was no output. I am curious how the topic RFID continues to open and conclude this thread as solved! Thanks again and a blessed Christmas time.