RESTful service GUI alternative to Curl

Wondering if someone can help and point me what I am doing wrong!

I am trying to light a bulb like mentioned in

I connected my bulb to relay1 and copied sample code and verified and flashed.

Now I am using
After entering device ID and token, I entered Funtion name = “relay” and Data = “r1,HIGH”

Every time I hit Post button, I get “Roh roh!” on top this page.

Hi @nickusa99,

It’s possible your new firmware didn’t flash properly to your core. Checkout what functions are available on your core by going to:

Make sure the “relay” function shows up in the functions list.


Thanks Very much Dave, you are right didn’t do flash correctly. Thanks again for tip.

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I’m not very familiar with using a terminal, so I’ve written a little test program for iOS (should work for Mac OS X as well with minor modification) that does both a POST and a GET request using NSURLRequests. The Spark program I used was a combination of the temperature and led blinking examples in the documentation with some modifications. The project can be found here,

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