Does pressing the flash icon in the IDE both compile and re-flash the attached core “on the fly”? Or does it send the data to the cloud ready for when the core is next switched off and on, when it will pick up the new code?
For example if you are running some code to blink an LCD at a certain speed. If you then alter the code to speed up the blink and press the flash button, does the core react immediately or would you have to power down the core and power up to pick up the new code?
Your core must be online and connected to the Spark Cloud
Hitting the flash icon will compile the script on the server itself then being transmitted over to the core (blinking magenta - 1 blink 1 data packet)
When the entire firmware is sent over to the Spark core, it resets, check if the code is proper before running it.
The core will not react to changes altered in the Spark Cloud IDE and would require the code to be flashed before the changes happen. No need to power down. Simply flash and the spark core will start blinking magenta.
Also, the core will not download the updated code if you flashed one while it is not connected to the cloud.
Good basic questions you have. Definitely gonna let you understand better
@kennethlimcp Thank you for your answer. Some platforms require a power down reset to then allow new code to be uploaded and run. I am glad to hear that this is not the case with a core.