Project Log: Ultrasonic Flood Level sensor using Photon & I2CXL-MaxSonar [MB7040]

Up next, in no particular order:

  • Fabricate enclosure from 4" (green) PVC sewer pipe and fittings for initial field testing;
  • Fabricate calibration test rig from ~15’ of 4" (green) PVC sewer pipe and fittings for controlled range calibration and temperature sensitivity testing with actual water;
  • Setup off-line / near-line IDE with proper revision control [git?] and software testing;
    Anyone have suggestions on a good setup for working from a Debian / Linux Mint desktop?
  • Refactor prototype firmware code to provide better remote health information, diagnostics, and modularity;
  • Explore cloud data solutions that might be better (more efficient) than Colud Variables and Google Spreadsheets; [ ? Phant?];
  • Build (or find people to help build) a front end webpage with pretty graphs for flood “Stage” [elevation - range] showing key flood levels for our property, and “Rate of Rise” showing how fast the water is rising or falling, as well as some reasonable diagnostics like RSSI and Battery State of Charge.
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