Problems setting servo position via HTTP Post

I’m a terrible programmer but i’m looking to put a server in a specific position bij doing a HTTP POST.

When compling my code i get this error: servo_over_the_internet.cpp:16:22: error: invalid user-defined conversion from ‘String’ to ‘int’ [-fpermissive]

This is the code on the Core.

Servo myservo;  
int pos = 0;    

void setup() 

void loop() 

int setPosition(String pos) {

And i’m going to use this url to post the position:

If anyone can give a little help… Thanks.

With kind regards,
Just Vervaart


your servo expects an int here:

int setPosition(String pos) {

try this

int setPosition(String pos) 
  int servoPosition = pos.toInt();  // converts your String to an int
  return servoPosition;  // need to return a value...           
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There is was a little typo.
It should be int servoPosition = pos.toInt(); (capital I in toint)

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