OK I’m having an odd issue which maybe someone can help with.
I’m writing a swift app for iOS which reads a number of variables off a Photon and displays them on the screen. Nothing taxing really.
I have these defined in my Photon code
Spark.variable("currentTemp", &WaterTempC, DOUBLE);
Spark.variable("HighTemp", &setHighTemp, DOUBLE);
Spark.variable("LowTemp", &setLowTemp, DOUBLE);
Spark.variable("TempVariance", &setTempDeadband, DOUBLE);
Spark.variable("HeaterOn", &Heater_On, INT);
Spark.variable("ChillerOn", &Chiller_On, INT);
Chiller_On is causing an issue.
I read all these items out of the Photon one at a time, and all seem to be updating correctly, except Chiller_On which is reading back as true all the time. Everything using these variables on the Photon is working fine so it’s almost as if the read from iOS over the cloud is picking up the wrong value. Anyone else seen something like this?