Pin re-mapping - Photon & Xenon

I have a custom board that is using WKP and D6 pins on the Photon. These pins were used as a soft serial.

If I use the same board with a Xenon (with the Particle Adaptor), is there a way (code) where I can send the WKP signals to D4 and the D6 signals to D5 which are the UART2 pins on the Xenon or does the board have to be changed?

@Jimmie, ParticleSoftSerial does not work with Mesh devices at this time. Also, you cannot remap the Feather pin-out to get the UART2 pins to WKP and D6 or vice-versa. You will need a board change.

Thank you @peekay123. Due to ParticleSoftSerial not working yet on the mesh devices, I was thinking of using the Xenon’s second serial port.

Will it work if I short WKP to D4 and short D6 to D5 on the Xenon board?

@Jimmie, that’s never a good idea but it might be doable if you put both WKP and D4 in INPUT mode in a STARTUP() function so they are configured as early as possible.

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