Hello Sir. Is there a USB base WiFi set up available for my client use?
Thy must not be able to change product name. Just incase thy have a problems with softapp. I suspect thy will in the near future.
Hello Sir. Is there a USB base WiFi set up available for my client use?
Thy must not be able to change product name. Just incase thy have a problems with softapp. I suspect thy will in the near future.
Sir You are not answering this question FYI it is about Photon.
Now is it because the answer is no or because I should look for it in the Particle Docs?
One way or the other please let me know
Thank you Sir.
Hello Sir. Is there a USB base Wi-Fi set up available for Photon2 for my clients use?
Thy must not be able to change product name. or delete the firmware
There are a number of Wi-Fi setup options for the Photon 2, described here.
Thank you sir. It was some what difficult to find the right link for this but I finally managed. The following is the link for others to use.