I am intend to send serial data to the Photon Rx pin from external mcu.
I browsed through different posts but I couldn’t find a answer for this case.
The code works partially well because I am receiving the the string that simulate a sensor reading but I got a series of repeated figures like "32.3432.24.32.24??32.24 etc. when what I sent was 32.24 every 2000 ms from the external mcu.
I’m using Blynk libraries and specifically the Label value display.
There are other issues I can realize like a sequence of led state like this:
one blink white/red.
Fast green.
Fast Cyan
Breathing Cyan
Many red blink that I can’t account for.
and loop again to one blink white/red.
During this loop the blink app keeps showing the message " device was disconnected" and then update the Label value display con the simulated sensor reading and so on.
This is my first project in addition to Blink a led .
Here is the code:
Thank you for some help.
App project setup:
Value Display widget attached to V5
/* Comment this out to disable prints and save space */
#define BLYNK_PRINT Serial1
#include <blynk.h>
// You should get Auth Token in the Blynk App.
// Go to the Project Settings (nut icon).
char auth[] = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";
char Ampstr[6];
BlynkTimer timer;
void setup()
// Debug console
delay(5000); // Allow board to settle
// Setup a function to be called every second
timer.setInterval(100L, sendAmp);
void sendAmp()
int i=0;
while (Serial1.available() >0 )
Ampstr[i] = Serial1.read();
if( Ampstr[i]=='\0' )
{ break;}
// Send it to the server
Blynk.virtualWrite(V7, Ampstr);
void loop()
ScruffR… men this what I call real time help !!! now works nice.
Can I try other real time help?
my first photon worked OK the first days with USB. I used the CLI to play a little and get to know how it work.
One day using the USB I got Blue screen on my laptop.
I am working with windows 7 64 bit and I know that win 7 is not good for Photon.
But I am trying to install the correct driver based on the info from Git Hub on this link:
But the point I have no chance to do nothing because as soon as I connect Photon to USB on my laptop I got Blue screen and I need to wait the computer reboot.
Is the photon damaged?
Thank you very much again.
Hmm, after having reports of bluescreens on Windows I did some experiments and the only time I got them to happen “reliably” was together with TeraTerm (irrespective of Windows version).
I’ve never had issues with CLI or PuTTY, so I’m not sure what’s causing your troubles.
Yes I would do that if I could.
The point is that wherever app the laptop is running , for example just on desktop and I plug in the USB connector on the laptop’s USB port I get Blue screen.
That’s way I am wondering if the Photon is damaged , because the Laptop’s USB port work OK with anything.
Thank you very much for your help.
I would like Highlight that I getting BSOD independently the application is running on my laptop.
So if I am running for example CLI Once I install Putty I will try again.
If I am running Microsoft excel Once I install Putty I will try again…
Once I install Putty I will try again.
Thank you.
Hi ScruffR I’m sorry I had an edition issue.
I would like Highlight that I getting BSOD independently the application is running on my laptop.
So if I am running for example CLI and plug my Photon I get BSOD.
If I am running Microsoft excel an plug my Photon I get BSOD.
Whichever app is running I get BSOD and I need to wait the computer boot up again.
I will install Putty and I will try again.
Thank you.