Photon SoftAP using PhoneGap

Good question @krazineurons. The further we got into the implementation of the mobile SDKs, the clearer it became that there would always need to be native code and that the Phonegap layer was getting smaller and smaller. In the end, for the release of the mobile SDKs, we found that there was no need for it and it provided little extra value.

Fast forward to now. We’re currently expanding the ways in which you can set up a Photon from only through a bare TCP socket to include a similar HTTP protocol. This will enable us to set up a Photon in a web browser rather than needing OS-level capabilities.

There’s some discussion here if you’re interested in history & context:

The javascript library enabling the browser-based setup is here:

The HTTP setup flow already exists in firmware, though there are still bugs. @nexxy has been building out that javascript setup client library.