Photon softAP usage?

If you’re looking for an entirely in-browser SoftAP app for the Photon, you can try one out here.

I made the interface using Meteor, but it all depends on a single JavaScript file (applied @brewnerd’s work in browserification, PR here) and so can be implemented using whatever JS framework you want (including none: just vanilla JS). More notes and a guide behind the implementation of this app can be found in my repo here.

Interestingly, Meteor also allows you to trivially generate Android and iOS PhoneGap apps from the existing HTML & JS, similar to what @nexxy was describing above. While I have not done so with this project, if you want to clone the repo it could immediately be used for such a purpose. It’s only a matter of using the meteor command line. You don’t even have to write any additional code! (maybe like a configuration file but I don’t think JSON counts as code).