So I was under the impression that Analog pins can work fine as Digital I/O pins.
I set up a one-wire temperature sensor to use one.
And it hangs completely. Cannot even re-flash.
This could of course be my code, hardware, or libraries.
And I did have some compile issues at first.
I am using
Particle Verison of OneWire Libary v2.2
Spark-dallas temp library, v 3.7.2
I broke it down to simpler code that simply does a onewire bus search, and each port works.
Although it is a bit flaky still.
But no hangs.
So some sort of issues with either my code or the dallas library is my bet.
Gave up on dallas-library, and used/tweaked some code BKO posted.
It works pretty well now, both ports.
Occasional CRC error on temperature data, but rare.
I notice that the one-wire timing values are different from the Arduino library.
I may play around with those.