Photon 2 and DS18B20 challenges

Hoping this is the appropriate forum to bring up this topic.

I am looking to migrate from the ElectricImp platform so I purchased a Photon 2 device to evaluate the Particle platform.

Once I received the Photon 2 I tried to bring up a DS18B20 based temperature monitor and got into trouble.

Browsing the Particle Community I learned that other folks are not able to migrate DS18B20 devices from the previous Photon to the newer Photon 2 because the available libraries are not Photon 2 compatible.

What is the roadmap to get over this hurdle:

  • is there a plan to update the 18B20 libraries?
  • is it possible still to purchase the older Photons?
  • any other options?

Thank you

It is not possible to implement the DS18B20 on RTL872x devices without additional hardware.

The recommended way is to use a DS2482 I2C to 1Wire bridge, as mentioned in the migration guide.

Particle does not have any Photon 1 or Argon devices left, and it's not likely that distributors or resellers have any left, but they could.

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If you can redesign for a i2c (or spi) temperature sensor, that would be the best path forward.

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