I am currently trying to get the voltage of an connected Lipo, but I am struggeling.
I am using mbed to read the voltages, and I can read fine from all pins, but when I try to read from P0_5, I just get some really low fluctuating values, and nothing correct.
I have read the datasheed and built another voltage divider connected to P0_4, and using this method, I can read the voltage from P04 correctly.
any Ideas why I cannot read correct values?
Are you connecting the battery to the JST connector/LiPo pin or another pin?
(analogRead(BATT) * 0.0011224)
has been really easy for me to get a semi-accurate voltage off of Gen 3 hardware where I can then monitor and make sure the number doesn’t dip too low (signifying someone at the plant unplugged my monitoring system).
Yes, I am using the JST connecotor.
I assume you are using arduino framework? maybe thats a difference… I dont get why it doesnt work with mbed though.
I have never worked in mbed, so I googled. To read Analog voltage mbed code appears to look like;
#include "mbed.h"
AnalogIn ain(A0);
int main() {
while(1) {
float f=ain.read();
pc.printf("value is: %d \n",f);
So from that I would try to add something along the lines of;
float voltage = f * 0.0011224;
I can read analog voltage fine, just not from that pin strangely…
but why multiply it with such a small number? f will give you a number between 0 and 1, so voltage will be between 0 and 0.0011224V?! or did you want to take the raw ADC value and multiply it?
From the Argon docs;
“The constant 0.0011224 is based on the voltage divider circuit (R1 = 806K, R2 = 2M) that lowers the 3.6V LiPo battery output to a value that can be read by the ADC.”
Again, apologies if none of this is transferable given my lack of mbed knowledge. But I send the battery voltage on my entire fleet of Particle products and figured I would help on what I used to adapt to the Gen3 hardware since there isn’t on onboard “fuel gauge” like there was in Gen2.