Here is the relevant code. As I mentioned previously, when I use the MY_DEVICES parameter vs the device ID, the data is correct. When using MY_DEVICES, I need to have unique output variables for each subscription (which I am tying to avoid). I want to subscribe to the Humidity variable in a per device, per handler basis.
#include "stdlib.h"
#include "TimeAlarms/TimeAlarms.h"
#include "elapsedMillis/elapsedMillis.h"
// Define names for the Digital pins On the Photon D0, D1
// These data pins link to Relay board pins IN1, IN2
#define RELAY1 D0
#define RELAY2 D1
//Set the timer for the void loop function
elapsedMillis timeElapsed; //declare global if you don't want it reset every time loop runs
unsigned int interval = 3600000; //This is the delay in ms. 3,600,000=1hr
// Declare the variables
float totalPrecip;
float totalPrecipMin = 5.08; //Values are reported in mm, 5.08 is .2in.
float soil_humidity = 80; //This is the soil moisture minimum
int relay_duration = 420000; //Duration in ms. 420,000=7mins
float humidity_a1 = 100; //Initially sets humidity at 100% so relays do not switch on when no value exists for humidity
float humidity_a2 = 100;
//Define the Handlers
void myHandler1(const char *event, const char *data)
humidity_a1 = atof (data);
void myHandler2(const char *event, const char *data)
humidity_a2 = atof (data);
void setup()
// create the alarms
Alarm.alarmRepeat(5,30,0, MorningAlarm); // 5:30am every day
// Listen for the hook response
Particle.subscribe("hook-response/CLD_precipitation", gotWeatherData, MY_DEVICES);
// Initialize the Photon data pins for OUTPUT
pinMode(RELAY1, OUTPUT);
pinMode(RELAY2, OUTPUT);
Particle.subscribe("Humidity", myHandler1, "123456789ABCDEF");
Particle.subscribe("Humidity", myHandler2, "ABCDEF123456789");
digitalWrite(RELAY1,HIGH); // Turns Relay Off
digitalWrite(RELAY2,HIGH); // Turns Relay Off
void loop(){
if (timeElapsed > interval)
Serial.print("Soil Humidity1:");
Serial.print("Soil Humidity2:");
Serial.println("Requesting Precipitation!");
timeElapsed = 0;
When using the CLI: particle subscribe Humidity 123456789ABCDEF ,the correct data is returned as well.
I am performing a copy/paste on the ID numbers, so there are not typos and when I run it in the CLI (particle subscribe Humidity 123456789ABCDEF), the correct values are returned. I guess a workaround is that I'll manage variables in my code and mini deployment, but I believe that is going to make overall device management much more difficult.
I think we should ping @Dave here and see if the deviceID subscribe endpoint is working in the cloud yet. I seem to recall this was delayed before and I don’t know the state now.
These are issued from two different devices (not two sensors on one Particle device), right?
As mentioned in the linked issue and in more detail in the closed issue #371 you could try to publish publicly (just to test) - it used to work (counter-intuitively) that way with 0.4.5 and I guess it hasn’t really changed since.
Hopefully it will be with 0.4.9 (0.4.8 seems to only be internal/develop).
So just to clarify that I understand this issue correctly; if I want to Particle.subscribe() to a unique device_id, I want to Particle.publish() that event as PUBLIC instead of PRIVATE ?
Thank you!
EDIT: Also, if I Particle.publish(“myvar”, myDat, PUBLIC) and subscribe to “myvar” on the same Photon, will I essentially be creating a recursive event, or will it ignore publish events coming from itself?
Basically, I have 2 photons that will be publishing a touch event with color data and subscribing to each others event - should I just use 2 seperate, unique “myvar” with different names or will the Photon ignore publish’s from it self?
This behaviour that you have to publish publicly to subsribe to a device ID is not intended and should get corrected.
About a possible “recursion”: If you intend to publish from a subscribe handler you should add some info about the origin to either even or data and check in the handler to prevent this situation.