Hi All,
i have a problem with my photon, it stops working suddenly and I can’t figure out why.
So I have an AWS IoT Server set up and I am reading data from a magnet sensor, a DHT and a light sensor to the IoT Gateway over TLS. This all works fine but sometimes the photon just stops. It’s still on, I can press the reset button then it boots up again and restarts sending. But I don’t want it to end suddenly because I won’t notice and loose data.
At the moment I am checking the free memory and forcing a restart if it is under 15.000, also I have a counter running so after 10min it will restart automatically. I found out, that it stopped working when the memory was under 15.000 for 3 times in a row so I thought this was the problem, but there seems to be another issue.
But it still runs into a breakdown and I can’t figure out why.
Anyone has an idea? Can I add some diagnostics variables that would show me why it is failing? And is there another way how I can implement an automatic restart that is not bypassed?
here’s my code:
void loop() {
free_memory = System.freeMemory(); //get the free memory of the system, see here: https://community.particle.io/t/stack-size-heap-size-and-system-freememory/29361
lightlevel = analogRead(photoResistor);
temperature = dht.getTempCelcius();
humidity = dht.getHumidity();
magnetsensor = digitalRead(DOOR_SENSOR);
if (counter > 1 && free_memory < 15000) {
if (counter > 600) {
//start a system reset every ~10 minutes see here: https://docs.particle.io/reference/firmware/photon/#reset--2
if (client.isConnected()) {
client.publish("photon1topicout", "{\"counter\":\"" + String(counter)+ "\", \"memory\":\"" + String(free_memory) + + "\", \"light\":\"" + String(lightlevel) + "\", \"temp\":\"" + String(temperature) + "\", \"humi\":\"" + String(humidity) + "\", \"door\":\"" + String(magnetsensor) + "\"}");
else {
counter = counter +1;