Alright, I am a novice at lambda functions in C++ and I'm ashamed to admit it but I can't figure out how to get the DS2482 library to work the way I want it to in order to read a DS18B20 temperature sensor on the P2 without an occasional SOS 4 - bus fault from occurring. @rickkas7 - Since it's your library I thought I'd tag you here to see if you can reproduce.
I originally asked the question here but that topic is closed so I'll follow-up with this new thread.
In this sample code provided in the library all works perfectly. Both publishes the event and logs the data to the serial line every 30 seconds. Although I did not let it run for hours and hours to see if it every has an issue yet.
#include "DS2482-RK.h"
SerialLogHandler logHandler;
DS2482 ds(Wire, 0);
const unsigned long CHECK_PERIOD = 30000;
unsigned long lastCheck = 5000 - CHECK_PERIOD;
void setup() {
DS2482DeviceReset::run(ds, [](DS2482DeviceReset&, int status) {
Serial.printlnf("deviceReset=%d", status);
Serial.println("setup complete");
void loop() {
if (millis() - lastCheck >= CHECK_PERIOD) {
lastCheck = millis();
// For single-drop you can pass an empty address to get the temperature of the only
// sensor on the 1-wire bus
DS24821WireAddress addr;
DS2482GetTemperatureCommand::run(ds, addr, [](DS2482GetTemperatureCommand&, int status, float tempC) {
if (status == DS2482Command::RESULT_DONE) {
char buf[32];
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%.4f", tempC);
Serial.printlnf("temperature=%s deg C", buf);
Particle.publish("temperature", buf, PRIVATE);
else {
Serial.printlnf("DS2482GetTemperatureCommand failed status=%d", status);
However, what I really want to do is encapsulate this code in a Particle.function() or really just a normal C++ function for all that matters. 95 times out of 100 this works just fine, but then 5 out of 100 times (especially if I call the function repeatedly, I get a SOS code 4 - Bus Fault.
Is it something I'm not doing right with lambda functions or an issue with the DS2482 library? Anyone else get this working properly on a P2? The very last thing that gets printed before SOS is:"Attempting to Read Temperature");
Here is the function that gets called.
* Function Name : ReadTemp()
* Description : Reads the current temperature in degrees F
* Return : Degrees F
int sensors::ReadTemp(String args){
digitalWrite(VacPwr, LOW);"Attempting to Read Temperature");
// For single-drop you can pass an empty address to get the temperature of the only
// sensor on the 1-wire bus
DS24821WireAddress addr;
DS2482GetTemperatureCommand::run(ds, addr, [this](DS2482GetTemperatureCommand&, int status, float tempC) {
if (status == DS2482Command::RESULT_DONE) {
this->fahrenheit = (tempC*1.8+32.0)*10;
else {
Log.error("DS2482GetTemperatureCommand failed status=%d", status);
return fahrenheit;
As of now, I'm going to let the program run all night and see how many times the SOS fault occurs (if it occurs) when the readings are spaced 5 minutes apart vs hammering it every 2-3 seconds.