Offline/online events inconsistent

When a device connects the spark/offline and spark/online events are sent inconsistently.

Sometimes only an online event is sent.

Sometimes an offline event is followed by an online event 1ms later.

Sometimes only an offline event is sent!

In this spark subscribe spark log, every empty line is when I hit reset on a Photon connected to the cloud.








(Is this the best place to report cloud API bugs?)

FWIW - my experience is similar in that I see almost all the online events, but only some subset of the offline events - last time I measured the behaviour, it was a far smaller subset than the log pasted above - I could re-test if the cloud behaviour has been updated and more data is required.

I would be interested in comparing the off-line event yield for controlled offline events, as opposed to outright resets.

I have observed the same thing.