Nextion display AND DFPlayer MP3 module

Hello friends,
if you want to try my photon-less MP3 player for 2.4" Nextion display, you can download this zip and give it a try.
Since there is no MCU involved, you might see some occasional timing issues and the play button doesn’t pop out once a file is played, but this might be a building block.

To play a specific song from the MP3 folder tap the SongNr input box (second top left) and type in the number and hit play.
If you want to try a folder loop (as discussed in the other thread) tap the FolderNr input box (first top left) and hit the loop button.
On the far right you have a volume control.


Update: With the new Enhanced Nextion displays you can use the BUSY pin of the DFplayer module to provide “feedback” about the playing state to the display.