New Integration with Microsoft

Hi @armor,

That’s a good question! We’re continuing to talk with Microsoft on this integration, and part of that is investigating their IOT Suite. I believe the secure data ingestion points for IOT Hub vs. Event Hubs offer essentially the same level of security. You can easily and securely forward your data to Event Hubs now if you like with a webhook!

For example, here’s a webhook I setup that publishes data from a chicken coop into event hubs on azure:

    "eventName": "farm/coop/temp",
    "url": "",
    "requestType": "POST",
	"json": {
		"temp": "{{SPARK_EVENT_VALUE}}",
		"published_at": "{{SPARK_PUBLISHED_AT}}",
		"coreid": "{{SPARK_CORE_ID}}"
    "azure_sas_token": {
        "key_name": "YOUR_KEY_NAME",
        "key": "YOUR_PASSWORD"
    "nodefaults": true,
    "mydevices": true

I use a stream job on azure to insert those events into a managed SQL database! If you want, I have all the firmware and notes and build pictures up on the project page here: – I still need to do some more documenting, but hopefully that helps get you started! :slight_smile:


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