I have a webhook that returns four nws forecast chunks, the first three being 512 bytes and the fourth being something less. The first two chunks are being handled by the desired function. The last two are being handled by a function that has nothing to do with it. The two hooks have no prefixes in common.
This webhook I trigger every fifteen minutes:
"name": "NWS-Forecast-RLW",
"event": "NWS-Forecast-RLW",
"url": "https://api.weather.gov/gridpoints/FSD/96,64/forecast?units=us",
"requestType": "GET",
"noDefaults": true,
"rejectUnauthorized": true,
"responseTemplate": "QUT{{properties.updateTime}}QQ{{properties.periods.0.name}}: {{properties.periods.0.detailedForecast}}QQ{{properties.periods.1.name}}: {{properties.periods.1.detailedForecast}}QQ{{properties.periods.2.name}}: {{properties.periods.2.detailedForecast}}QQ{{properties.periods.3.name}}: {{properties.periods.3.detailedForecast}}QQ{{properties.periods.4.name}}: {{properties.periods.4.detailedForecast}}QQ{{properties.periods.5.name}}: {{properties.periods.5.detailedForecast}}QQ{{properties.periods.6.name}}: {{properties.periods.6.detailedForecast}}QQ{{properties.periods.7.name}}: {{properties.periods.7.detailedForecast}}QQ{{properties.periods.8.name}}: {{properties.periods.8.detailedForecast}}QQ{{properties.periods.9.name}}: {{properties.periods.9.detailedForecast}}QQ{{properties.periods.10.name}}: {{properties.periods.10.detailedForecast}}QQ{{properties.periods.11.name}}: {{properties.periods.11.detailedForecast}}QQ{{properties.periods.12.name}}: {{properties.periods.12.detailedForecast}}QQ{{properties.periods.13.name}}: {{properties.periods.13.detailedForecast}}"
The second I receive whenever my argon publishes the completion of a HVAC cycle (~ 1 to 5 hours) and looks like this:
"name": "ArgonRLW4_HVAC_EVENT",
"event": "ArgonRLW4_HVAC_EVENT",
"url": "https://api.thingspeak.com/update",
"requestType": "POST",
"noDefaults": true,
"rejectUnauthorized": true,
"responseTemplate": "{{PARTICLE_EVENT_VALUE}}",
"form": {
"field1": "{{EVT}}",
"field2": "{{RT}}",
"field3": "{{PD_AVG}}",
"field4": "{{TITOD_AVG}}",
"field5": "{{TITOD_MAX}}",
"field6": "{{AT_MAX_MIN}}",
"field7": "{{AH_MAX_MIN}}",
"key": "{{key}}"
If I only subscribe to the NWS-Forecast-RLW hook I get all four chunks of NWS forecast data cleanly and quite reliably. If I subscribe to the ArgonRLW4_HVAC_EVENT event at the same time, the first two NWS chunks are handled by the NWS-Forecast-RLW handler and the last two are sent to the ArgonRLW4_HVAC_EVENT handler. Note: the NWS-Forecast-RLW handler has quite a bit of parsing to make the forecast text as compact as possible. Has anyone seen this happen and if so were they able to fix it? Might it be that somehow the third and fourth chunks are received while the handler is still processing the prior chunks? Is it possible in such a situation the chunks get passed to another handler??
Thank You,