Looking for Troubleshooting Help?

Particle has assembled a number of resources to help you diagnose and resolve connectivity issues.

For help with Cellular connectivity, we strongly recommend reviewing our Cellular Connectivity Guide (link). This guide provides insights into cellular RF metrics, debugging instructions, and a checklist of actions to take!

For help with WiFi connectivity, we have a few resources available to you! Our general WiFi Connectivity Guide (link) is a great first resource for debugging a WiFi issue. If you’re able to dive in deeper and have access to your device, please explore our Photon/P1 (link) and Argon (link) support resources!

We also welcome, with gratitude, any feedback and suggestions you may have for connectivity troubleshooting resources that may be useful to you.

You can get in touch with Particle support via our support portal: support.particle.io.


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