Looking for step by step tutorial using the cloud

Hello there, I am new to Spark Core but I use Arduino for a while now. On this moment a like to learn how to read analogue values from the Core. I know the first step is to write firmware wich read the values and store them in variables.Then the Core must send the variables to the Cloud.

The next thing is to make a HTML page wich reads the values and present them on the HTML page.

Now my real question, is there a tutorial wich shows me

1 how to send the values to the cloud
2 wich html syntax,tags do I need to read and present those values into a HTML page.


Hi @pa0akv

Have you looked at the tutorials section here on the forum? I have written a bunch of tutorials on using Spark publish, variables and functions:


I would start here:


Thanks bko. I will start there and see if I understand it

Hello bko thanks for the tutorial. I try to understand it. First a look at the firmware.

char publishString[40]; make room for the complete string
Spark.publish(“Uptime”,publishString); publish it!

makes things possible to send it to the cloud as I understand.

Now to the HTML part:
Connect this button starts the START function

function start()
document.getElementById(“uptime”).innerHTML = “Waiting for data
var deviceID = “xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx”;
var accessToken = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
var eventSource = new EventSource(“https://api.spark.io/v1/devices/” + deviceID + “/events/?access_token=” + accessToken);
is needed to know how to speek to the right Spark Core and I want the “uptime” information.

eventSource.addEventListener(‘open’, function(e)

    eventSource.addEventListener('error', function(e) 

is needed to check the Spark is alive! but what is the meaning of console (same as Arduino terminal?)

Last but the most important part, how to get the right data and what is the meaning of the JSON syntax.

eventSource.addEventListener(‘Uptime’, function(e)
var parsedData = JSON.parse(e.data);
var tempSpan = document.getElementById(“uptime”);
var tsSpan = document.getElementById(“tstamp”);
tempSpan.innerHTML = “Mijn Spark Core: " + parsedData.coreid + " Actief: " + parsedData.data + " (u:m:s)”;
tempSpan.style.fontSize = “28px”;

        tsSpan.innerHTML = "Tijdstempel " + parsedData.published_at;
        tsSpan.style.fontSize = "14px";
    }, false);

eventSource.addEventListener(‘Uptime’, function(e) I think it checks if Uptime is send
if so there is data in JSON.parse(e.data) and the local variable parsedData is filled with that data ??
variable tempSpan get’s the uptime data ???
and with tempSpan.innerHTML the data is displayed on the screen

My problem now is what is the difference between var parsedData = JSON.parse(e.data); and var tempSpan = document.getElementById(“uptime”);

I hope you can explane this to me.

I tried to modify your example but the result is your button works ok but on mine no response from the Core (anyway not displayed on the browser!!)

This is what i changed in the firmware:

// publishme.ino – Spark Publishing Example
unsigned long lastTime = 0UL;
char publishString[40];
char nextstring[40] = “Hello this is my Spark Core”;

void setup() {

void loop() {
unsigned long now = millis();
//Every 15 seconds publish uptime
if (now-lastTime>15000UL) {
lastTime = now;
// now is in milliseconds
unsigned nowSec = now/1000UL;
unsigned sec = nowSec%60;
unsigned min = (nowSec%3600)/60;
unsigned hours = (nowSec%86400)/3600;
And on the HTML side.


Get message
and an extra function message

function message()
document.getElementById(“mystring”).innerHTML = “Get message”;
var deviceID = “xxxxxxxxxxxxx”;
var accessToken = “xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx”;
var eventSource = new EventSource(“https://api.spark.io/v1/devices/” + deviceID + “/events/?access_token=” + accessToken);
eventSource.addEventListener(‘open’, function(e)

    eventSource.addEventListener('error', function(e) 

	 eventSource.addEventListener('mystring', function(e)
        var parsedData = JSON.parse(e.data);
        var tempSpan = document.getElementById("mystring");
        tempSpan.innerHTML = "My message: " + parsedData.data  + " (u:m:s)";
        tempSpan.style.fontSize = "28px";			           
     }, false);

Sorry for the bad english but it is not my native language. But perhaps can this conversation also others help to understand what happens in this very interesting cloud mistery

Gretings from Holland,thanks in advance André

Hi @pa0akv

console.log refers the Javascript console in your web browser. You can access this in Chrome under the Tools menu.

JSON is a standard Javascript data structure that allows for named value pairs in a string that is easy to parse. There is a parser (JSON.parse) available for turning these into a struct so you can access the parts by name.

In Javascript, document.getElementById(“idstring”) is how you find an HTML element that you want change in the web page. So in the HTML you define something, in this case an HTML element called a span with initial values and an ID string that you can find later. The Javascript finds that element on the page and then replaces the text inside it with new text. You can also control the formatting, like when I set the fontSize to a 14 point font.

Hope this helps!

Hello André,

I’d first like to ask you if you could please format your code like explained on this topic: https://community.spark.io/t/forum-tips-and-tricks/3999
Specifically the use of the following code:
All you have to do is wrap your code in:

` ``ccp 
//my code
` ``

(Delete the spaces between the ` signs.)
This makes it a lot easier to read your code. Right now, your questions are somewhere between the code, which is hard to read, and can create misunderstandings. If you could take a look at that syntax, that’d be greatly appreciated!
Secondly, I’ve been working on a (very basic) webpage to control the RGB led on the Core. It uses this code from @bko, as well as a parameter function from @luz. It uses Spark.function(), and Spark.publish() to set the RGB led, as well as return the values to the page, to synchronize the sliders. I’ve been trying to comment every line of it, as well as include a sort of walk-through through the code. It still needs some tweaking. Since I’m new to programming, micro controllers, and related electronics this is still far from perfect. It does however seem to work, which is nice. Hopefully it can be of use to someone else who’s just starting. I personally learned a lot from bko’s tutorials, and it was fun seeing the code coming to life and gaining new features. I’ll try to upload it somewhere later to day, if I find the time for it.

—Dutch translation, all non-dutchies can safely ignore this ;)—
Hallo André,
Voor het gemak nog maar eens in het Nederlands; het zou prettig zijn als je je code kunt opmaken zoals bovenaan aangegeven. Dit zorgt ervoor dat code in een box komt te staan (zoals die hierboven). Dit zorgt er voor dat langere code niet de gehele pagina in beslag neemt, door er een scrollbalk aan toe te voegen. Ook zorgt het voor een enorm veel betere leesbaarheid. Op dit moment staan je vragen ergens tussen de code, en het commentaar van de code. Zo wordt het Ă©rg lastig om je vragen te vinden, en kan het de nodige verwarring veroorzaken. Het zou dus op prijs gesteld worden als je je post nog aan zou willen passen, of in ieder geval nieuwe posts zo zou willen formatteren.

Wat code betreft zal ik proberen later vandaag mijn code te uploaden. Het is een mix van verschillende handleidingen op dit forum in combinatie met html/jquery(mobile). Het bestaat uit drie sliders waarmee je betreffende RGB waardes van de led kunt veranderen. Het maakt gebruik van de Spark.publish() functie om de sliders te synchroniseren met de waardes op de Core.
Ik heb geprobeerd de code zo goed mogelijk (in het Engels weliswaar) te commenteren, en er de nodige alerts in te zetten. Zo kun je stap voor stap volgen wat er precies gebeurd zodra je een handeling uitvoert. Zodoende is het gemakkelijker om te begrijpen wat je code doet, en kun je ook beter zien waar het eventueel fout gaat. Ik zal proberen het vanavond online te krijgen.

Met vriendelijke groet, Jordy

1 Like

Hey guys,
I didn’t manage to upload it yesterday, so I’m doing it now. Hopefully some of it is at least partially useful to someone. Keep in mind that I don’t know how to code, and this is my first project. Having said that, the code seems to work, which I’m glad for.

HTML code. Insert your device ID and accesstoken, and you should be good to go. Since these are ‘out in the open’ it’s wise to keep this file safe. Don’t share your credentials, since they could mess with your Core.
I’d suggest copy/pasting the code, and then try to go through the comments (I used notepad++). I wasn’t really sure what the best comment syntax would be, but on a large enough screen it seems decent :wink:
Either way, here you go:

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, user-scalable=no, minimal-ui">
<meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes" />
<meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style" content="black-translucent" />

<script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.10.2.min.js"></script>
<script src="http://code.jquery.com/mobile/1.4.2/jquery.mobile-1.4.2.min.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="http://code.jquery.com/mobile/1.4.2/jquery.mobile-1.4.2.min.css">

      var deviceID    = "<<insert device id here>>";	//Makes your deviceID a variable for easy reference.
      var accessToken = "<<insert accesstoken here>>";	//Makes your accestoken a variable for easy reference.
      var baseURL = "https://api.spark.io/v1/devices/";	//Creates a variable for the static URL, for easy reference (always the same).
	  var redValue;	//Creates a global variable for redValue.
	  var greenValue;	//Creates a global variable for greenValue.
	  var blueValue;	//Creates a global variable for blueValue.
	  var Colors;	//Creates a global variable for Colors.
	  var eventSource = new EventSource(baseURL + deviceID + "/events/?access_token=" + accessToken);	//Subscribes to your eventstream.
	  var requestURL = baseURL + deviceID + "/" + "GetColor" + "/?access_token=" + accessToken;	//Easy reference for making the requests
alert = function() {};  /////////////// comment this function by adding two '//' if you would like to debug. you will see alerts in your browser at almost every step. This makes it easier to see what your code is doing.

		$(document).ready(function(){	//Waits for the page to finish loading before executing the following code.
			alert('DOM loaded, I\'m gonna do stuff...');	//Display a message
			$("#Red ").on( "slidestop", function( event, ui ) {	//Create a 'slidestop' event bound to the element with the id "Red". The function fires a soon as the slider is released. Better mobile compatibility than mouseup.
				redValue = document.getElementById('Red').value;	//Read the value from the element with id="Red", and assigns it to redValue       		
				Colors = document.getElementById('Red').name + (redValue).toString();	//Creates the required syntax for the "params" function by combining name and value
				doMethod("params", Colors);	//Initiates the doMethod with "params" and Colors as variables
			} ); 
			$("#Green").on( "slidestop", function( event, ui ) {
				greenValue = document.getElementById('Green').value;        		
				Colors = document.getElementById('Green').name + (greenValue).toString();
				doMethod("params", Colors);
			} ); 
			$("#Blue").on( "slidestop", function( event, ui ) {
				blueValue = document.getElementById('Blue').value;        		
				Colors = document.getElementById('Blue').name + blueValue.toString();
				doMethod("params", Colors);				
			} ); 	

			//SSE listener, updates colors and sliders if/when changed
			eventSource.addEventListener('color_values', function(e) {	//Checks your eventstream for events named 'color_values', after which it will execute the following function.
				alert('Looks like I just received a SSE...'); //Display a message
				var rawData = JSON.parse(e.data);	//Create new variable rawData in which the 'data' section of the SSE will be parsed. This contains a nested JSON.						
				var parsedData = JSON.parse(rawData.data);	//Create new variable parsedData in which the nested JSON data from rawData will be parsed, giving you the desired output.	
				color_display.innerHTML = "(" + parsedData.red + "," + parsedData.green + "," + parsedData.blue + ")";	//Display the RGB value in the HTML element with id="color_display".
					alert('Going to check if the values changed since last time');	//Display a message.
					if (redValue != parsedData.red || greenValue != parsedData.green || blueValue != parsedData.blue){ //Check to see it the parsed values are different from the values last set by this page. If they're different, execute the following code:
						alert('Turns out the values are indeed different. Let\'s update them and change the sliders accordingly.'); //Display a message
						redValue = parsedData.red;	//Parse the JSON data, and assign it to variable.
						greenValue = parsedData.green;	//Parse the JSON data, and assign it to variable.				
						blueValue = parsedData.blue;	//Parse the JSON data, and assign it to variable.				
						alert('Going to update slider because I liked what the SSE showed me.');	//Display a message
						updateSliders();	//Execute the updateSliders function.
					else {
						alert('Well, I guess the values didn\'t change. No use for unnecesarily updating the sliders then, now is there?');	//Display a message
			}, false);
		$(window).load(function() {	//Execute the following code, only if the entire page is completely loaded.
			alert('Window loaded, going to execute doMethod for initial request'); //Display a message
				doMethod("params","GetColor=0");	//Initiates the doMethod with "params" and Colors as variables
		function updateSliders(){			
			alert('Going to update sliders RIGHT NOW.');	//Display a message	
				$('#Red').val(redValue);	//Update the value of the element with id="Red" to be redValue.	
				$('#Red, #Green, #Blue').slider('refresh');	//Refresh the elements with id="Red", id="Green", id="Blue", for the changes in values to take effect.			
			alert('Sliders updated!');	//Display a message	
        //This is where the magic happens. It receives the variables from the doMethod("params", Colors) from above and inserts them like this: "params" becomes 'method', and 'Colors' becomes 'data'. This is then combined with the baseURL and deviceID to create a new variable 'url'. Next, an ajax request is made. It's a POST request with the newly created 'url' variable as URL and the data is your accessToken and the 'data' from the doMethod Function (which is actually 'Colors', which is actually [element]'name' combined with [element]'value'). The whole is send as JSON, which is easy to interpret. A complete walkthrough/example can be found at the bottom to make things easier to understand.
        function doMethod(method, data) {
          var url = baseURL + deviceID + "/" + method;
            type: "POST",
            url: url,
            data: {
              access_token: accessToken,
              args: data
            dataType: "json"
		//following block was added to disable scrolling on mobile devices. you can safely remove it.
		$(document).on("touchmove", function(event) {	//might break some other functions. take caution!

	<div data-role="page" id="pageone">	<!-- Create a Jquery Mobile page -->
		<div data-role="content">	<!-- Assign this section the Jquery Mobile 'content' parameter -->

			<!-- Create a HTML5 slider by making type="range", the name is made "colorRed=" because it was easier to make it work with the Params function on the Core code. 
			id="Red" enables you to find the element by its ID. 'min' and 'max' determine the range of the slider, and 'steps' determines the intervals. 
			'data-highlight' colors in the part of the slider up to your value. 'data-popup-enabled="true"' creates a pop-up above your handle which shows the current value of the slider.
			Red:				<input type="range" name="colorRed=" id="Red" min="0" max="255" step="1" data-highlight="true" value="0" >
			Green:				<input type="range" name="colorGreen=" id="Green" min="0" max="255" step="1" data-highlight="true" value="0" >
			Blue:				<input type="range" name="colorBlue=" id="Blue" min="0" max="255" step="1" data-highlight="true" value="0" >
			Current RGB value:	<span id="color_display"></span>

Example walkthrough

As soon as the page is completely loaded it will execute this:
		$(window).load(function() {	
			alert('Window loaded, going to execute doMethod for initial request'); 
This shows you a message to indicate that it's activated, and it will also call ==> doMethod("params","GetColor=0");
		function doMethod(method, data) {
          var url = baseURL + deviceID + "/" + method;
            type: "POST",
            url: url,
            data: {
              access_token: accessToken,
              args: data
            dataType: "json"
This will send a POST request to the Cloud and subsequently your Core. It activates ==> Spark.function("params", handleParams);
		(Code on Core:)
		int handleParams(String command)
				int p = 0;                                                                                  
				while (p<(int)command.length()) {                                                           
					int i = command.indexOf(',',p);                                                         
					if (i<0) i = command.length();                                                          
					int j = command.indexOf('=',p);
					if (j<0) break;
					String key = command.substring(p,j);
					String value = command.substring(j+1,i);
					int val = value.toInt();
						if (key=="colorRed"){                                                               
							red = val;
							Serial.println('Set red value');   
						else if (key == "GetColor"){                                                        
							Serial.println('Got a request for my colors. \n Guess I exit this function \n and publish my values.');
							//Doesn't really do anything, just needed to initiate one of these Params once in order to publish the current RGB values using the code below.
					sprintf(pubstring,"{\"red\": %u, \"green\": %u, \"blue\": %u}",red,green,blue);	//Convert RGB values to JSON format for easy processing.
					Spark.publish("color_values",pubstring);	//Publish SSE with current RGB values in JSON format.
					Serial.println(String(pubstring));	//Print current RGB values to Serial.
					p = i+1;

This function will use and parse the argument from your POST request, which in this case was "GetColor=0". It tries to match the characters before the '=' sign to the key inside the 'if' operator. If matched, the relevant code will the executed, and the value behind the '=' sign can be used as a value. We however merely wanted to execute the handleParams once, in order to publish the current RGB values. Like the comments indicate, the RGB values will be parsed to a JSON format, for easy handling, after which they'll be published.
We could've avoided the whole handleParams function by using a separate Spark.function(). But since we're limited to four functions, and I already had this in place, I thought I might as well use it.

Now we've got a JSON published, we move back to the page, which receives it through this function:
			eventSource.addEventListener('color_values', function(e) {	
				alert('Looks like I just received a SSE...'); 
				var rawData = JSON.parse(e.data);						
				var parsedData = JSON.parse(rawData.data);	
				color_display.innerHTML = "(" + parsedData.red + "," + parsedData.green + "," + parsedData.blue + ")";
					alert('Going to check if the values changed since last time');
					if (redValue != parsedData.red || greenValue != parsedData.green || blueValue != parsedData.blue){ 
						alert('Turns out the values are indeed different. Let\'s update them and change the sliders accordingly.'); 
						redValue = parsedData.red;	
						greenValue = parsedData.green;			
						blueValue = parsedData.blue;	
						alert('Going to update slider because I liked what the SSE showed me.');
					else {
						alert('Well, I guess the values didn\'t change. No use for unnecessarily updating the sliders then, now is there?');
			}, false);
The comments are pretty self-explanatory, but for documentations sake; As as the publish from the Core is noticed, this code will parse the include data (twice), checks to see if any values are different from what the page currently has, and will update the sliders if they're indeed different. If they're the same, there's no use in updating them, so the code simply does nothing. Updating the sliders happens through this function:

		function updateSliders(){			
			alert('Going to update sliders RIGHT NOW.');	
				$('#Red, #Green, #Blue').slider('refresh');	
			alert('Sliders updated!');	//Display a message	

It assigns the values, from either the slider, or the SSE parser to the relevant sliders. You select the slider by its ID '#Red', after which you tell it to change the value '.val' to '(redValue)'. It will then refresh the slider to make sure the change is also noticeable. 

So if a core has the RGB value of (255,0,0) upon starting, the following will happen:
	The page loads completely, and sends a POST request to the Core, thereby activating the handleParams function. This will then broadcast the current RGB value (255,0,0) in JSON format. This gets picked up by the webpage, which parses it, and compares it to its own values. Since the initial values of the page are (0,0,0), they're indeed different. The page will then update its sliders accordingly.
Let's say we change this value from (255,0,0) to (127,0,0) by sliding the red slider to halfway:
		$("#Red ").on( "slidestop", function( event, ui ) {	
				redValue = document.getElementById('Red').value;	
				Colors = document.getElementById('Red').name + (redValue).toString();
				doMethod("params", Colors);
		} );

This code is bound to the slidestop event, and thus will fire as soon as the slider is released. The redValue will be updated according to the value of the slider. It will then be combined to a string along with the element name, in order to get the right format for the parse function on the Core. In this case, that'd be "colorRed=127" (NO SPACES!). This will then be send to the doMethod function, with the respective variables.
The exact same will happen as described above, with the addition of the following:
On the Core the "colorRed=127" will be matched to:
		(code on Core)
		if (key=="colorRed"){                                                               //Compares incoming Post-request to set key, execute if matched.
                red = val;                                                                      //Sets red to the value passed by the Post-request.
                Serial.println('Set red value');   
The red value will then be set to 127. This function ends, and a new JSON RGB value is published, which can be picked up by the page. Since this time the slider value is already 127 (since you just put it there), there is no need to update the sliders, thus nothing happens.
On the Core, the continuous loop sets the RGB led to the values specified, in this case (127,0,0), reducing the value by half.

The complementary Core code:

int red = 0;                                                                                    //Create integer for red value, initally 0
int green = 0;                                                                                  //Create integer for green value, initally 0
int blue = 0;                                                                                   //Create integer for blue value, initally 0
char pubstring[64];                                                                             //Create Char array with 64 spaces

void setup() {
    Serial.begin(9600);                                                                         //Open Serial connection, 9600 Baud rate
    RGB.control(true);                                                                          //Enable onboard RGB LED control
    RGB.color(255,0,0);                                                                         //Set onboard RGB to (255,0,0)
    delay(200);                                                                                 //Wait 200 microsecond        
    RGB.color(0,0,0);                                                                           //Set onboard RGB to (0,255,0)
    delay(200);                                                                                 //Wait 200 microseconds
    RGB.color(0,0,255);                                                                         //Set onboard RGB to (0,0,255)
    delay(200);                                                                                 //Wait 200 microseconds
    Spark.function("params", handleParams);                                                     //Expose handleParams function under "params" request.

void loop() {
RGB.color(red, green, blue);

void color (unsigned char red, unsigned char green, unsigned char blue)
    analogWrite(redPin, red);     
    analogWrite(greenPin, green);
    analogWrite(bluePin, blue);

int handleParams(String command)
{                                                                                               //This code makes it easy to change parameters (credits to @Luz at bottom)
    int p = 0;                                                                                  //The code is activated by the "params" function, and used the data included
    while (p<(int)command.length()) {                                                           //in order to change given parameters. The code expects to find following
        int i = command.indexOf(',',p);                                                         //syntax: key=val without spaces. Check out the HTML code to see what kind
        if (i<0) i = command.length();                                                          //of request is required to make this work.
        int j = command.indexOf('=',p);
        if (j<0) break;
        String key = command.substring(p,j);
        String value = command.substring(j+1,i);
        int val = value.toInt();
        	if (key=="colorRed"){                                                               //Compares incoming Post-request to set key, execute if matched.
                red = val;                                                                      //Sets red to the value passed by the Post-request.
                Serial.println('Set red value');   
            else if (key=="colorGreen"){                                                        //Compares incoming Post-request to set key, execute if matched.
                green = val;                                                                    //Sets green to the value passed by the Post-request.
        	    Serial.println('Set green value');
        	else if (key=="colorBlue"){                                                         //Compares incoming Post-request to set key, execute if matched.
                blue = val;                                                                     //Sets red to the value passed by the Post-request.
        	    Serial.println('Set blue value');
        	else if (key == "GetColor"){                                                        //Compares incoming Post-request to set key, execute if matched.
                Serial.println('Got a request for my colors. \n Guess I exit this function \n and publish my values.');
                //Doesn't really do anything.
                //Just needed to initiate one of these Params once
                //in order to publish the current RGB values
                //Using the code below.
    	sprintf(pubstring,"{\"red\": %u, \"green\": %u, \"blue\": %u}",red,green,blue);         //Convert RGB values to JSON format for easy processing.
        Spark.publish("color_values",pubstring);                                                //Publish SSE with current RGB values in JSON format.
        Serial.println(String(pubstring));                                                      //Print current RGB values to Serial.
        p = i+1;

/*   ---- Credits to Lukas (@Luz on Spark) for this implementation of the parameter function, it's awesome! ----
The MIT License (MIT)

Copyright (c) 2014 Lukas Zeller

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of
this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in
the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of
the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so,
subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.


You can download both files in a .rar over [here.][1]

Lastly, I’d like to thank @bko again for his great tutorials as well as his commitment here on the forum. You’re a great help to a lot of people around here, so please keep up the amazing work!
And then I’d like to thank @luz again for his code on the parameters. It’s a really neat way to effectively gain an unlimited number of Spark.function()s, and to easily change stuff in your code, without having to flash stuff all over again.
Of course I’d like to thank all the other people on here who make it such a great community. It’s a joy watching the forum, seeing people helping each other out, wherever they can. If only the world was a bit more :spark: like, then it’d be a whole lot more enjoyable out there :wink:

[1]: http://jordymoors.nl/spark/spark.rar


Hello bko and Moors, sorry for my uncoded reply I will markup the text in future questions. Also many thanks bko for the nice tutorial. I am do not understand it all but I am getting close now.

Moors thanks for your reply in dutch, dank je wel!!!
There is one silly question at this moment left. In the Arduino world I can send results of the firmware code with

 Serial.print(78, BIN) gives "1001110"

to the IDE serial monitor.
Is there a way to do this with the Spark Core?
Thanks again

Do you mean printing to the serial, or having the serial output stuff in binary? Printing through serial is absolutely possible by using Serial.print(), just like you, apparently, would on an Arduino. You could follow this nice guide by @BDub to help you install the necessary drivers, and get you started: https://community.spark.io/t/installing-the-usb-driver-on-windows-serial-debugging/882
As it turns out, this is exactly the same as in your example code. All Serial related documentation can be found here: http://docs.spark.io/firmware/#communication-serial This should give you a good idea of the possibilities of Serial. If anything’s unclear, don’t hesitate to ask!

—Dutch once more, all non-Dutchies can skip this—
Hey André, bedankt voor je reactie, en het opmaken van je code. Dat zal het in het vervolg een stuk gemakkelijker maken.
Serial.print() is ook op de Spark gewoon mogelijk. Onder bovenstaande link is de volledige documentatie te vinden. Je zult de desbetreffende drivers eerst moeten installeren, waarna je gemakkelijk, door het flashen van de juiste code, gebruik kunt maken van Serial functies.
Als je naar mijn voorbeeld code kijkt, dan zie je bij de setup staan Serial.begin(9600); waarmee ik de serial functie activeer, met Baud-rate 9600, en vervolgens een Serial.print(), waarmee ik iets over Serial print.
Mocht je nog verdere vragen hebben, stel ze gerust :smiley:
(Nederlandse vertaling is omdat ik dacht dat het voor jou gemakkelijker zou zijn. Indien niet nodig, ook prima. Laat me maar weten wat je er van vindt.)

Hallo Jordy, thanks again for your reply. I did find out how to use the serial.print syntax. But like most other users I find it very hard to get the com port working. The W7 version behavior is unpredictable , it installs during communication with the core in a running program an extra "mouse pinbal driver". After deleting this extra driver and using the tricks in [Installing the USB Driver on Windows & Serial Debugging - Getting Started - Particle][1] I can get it to work. (Tera Term and Arduino serial monitor both are usefull).

Nice slider controlled RGB led program you made!!! On the moment I try to understand the JSON syntax from the bko tutorials. His examples are working well. For now I understand the firmware part(I think!)

sprintf(pubstring,"{\"red\": %u, \"green\": %u, \"blue\": %u}",red,green,blue);


But the HTML, JSON part is for me the most difficult part to understand.

Just showing "Hello world" on a HTML page send bij the core is sommeting I still can't get it to work!!

<span id = "tekst"></span>

  eventSource.addEventListener('motion', function(e) {
        var rawData = JSON.parse(e.data);
        var parsedData = JSON.parse(rawData.data);
        var tempSpan = document.getElementById("uptime");
        var tsSpan   = document.getElementById("tstamp");
    var test = document.getElementById("tekst");

**test.innerHTML = "Mijn tekst" + rawData.published_at;**

is the part wich causes the problem but this is while I don't understand the JSON syntax I think!!

Perhaps you can explain it to me?

Thanks again André
[1]: http://%20https://community.spark.io/t/installing-the-usb-driver-on-windows-serial-debugging/882