Logging Overhead/Functionality

It's mostly what I did in this post, but to actually change the log level you'll need to check if serial is connected and use a flag to make sure you only change it once when it goes from not being connected to being connected.

In my case I only print 1 thing when I connect it to serial, then return the logger back to whatever it's default was (which is LOG_LEVEL_NONE in production).

void setup() {

  // Init logging (LOG_LEVEL_NONE for production, LOG_LEVEL_ALL for development)

Then you'll want something like this in the loop

bool serialWasPreviouslyConnected = false;

void loop() {


  if (Serial.isConnected() && !serialWasPreviouslyConnected)
    serialWasPreviouslyConnected = true;

  if (!Serial.isConnected() && serialWasPreviouslyConnected)
    serialWasPreviouslyConnected = false;
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