Listening mode without pushing the SETUP button


I have seen somewhere that it’s possible to put a Photon in to listening mode without pushing the button, however I’m not sure how I can go about it.

Here’s the code I’m working on, basically I’d like it to enter listening mode if it’s on a foreign wifi network (I carry it around).

Simple as possible please, I’m reasonably useless at the advanced stuff.



Servo timservo; 
Servo louservo;// create servo object to control a servo
                // a maximum of eight servo objects can be created

int timpos = 0;    // variable to store the servo position for timservo
int loupos = 0;    // variable to store the servo position for louservo
void setup()

//Setup the Servo to the function 
Particle.function("timservo", updatetimServo);
//Set pin D0 to be an output
pinMode(D0, OUTPUT);

//Setup the Servo to the function 
Particle.function("louservo", updatelouServo);
//Set pin D0 to be an output
pinMode(D1, OUTPUT);
//Take control over the LED on the board
//Turn off the LED - we dont want it flashing behind the photo frame at night
//There may be a better way to do this like turning it off, I found it just as easy to set the colour to nothing
RGB.color(0, 0, 0);
void loop()
// We don't need to do anything here
//This function is triggered by IFTTT - the 'command' word represents the object used to store the 'position' we send to the function.
//The 'position' we send represents where we want the servo to move to
int updatetimServo(String command)
//Attach the servo to D0
//Convert string to integer, the code after this requires the 'command' object to be in a number format. IFTTT however passes the object as a 'string' even if it is a 'number'.
uint8_t timpos = command.toInt();
//This tells the servo, attached to D0 to move to the position defined in the 'command' object that was passed when we triggered this function from IFTTT
//Flash the LED on so we can see that a message has been recieved - just because we can
RGB.color(255, 0, 0);
//Remember to add the delay for 2 seconds, otherwise the LED will just flash for a period of time too small for us to see
//Now set the LED back to off
RGB.color(0, 0, 0);
//detach the servo
//We return something to signify the end of the function - doesn't really matter what it is
return 1;


//This function is triggered by IFTTT - the 'command' word represents the object used to store the 'position' we send to the function.
//The 'position' we send represents where we want the servo to move to
int updatelouServo(String command)
//Attach the servo to D1
//Convert string to integer, the code after this requires the 'command' object to be in a number format. IFTTT however passes the object as a 'string' even if it is a 'number'.
uint8_t loupos = command.toInt();
//This tells the servo, attached to D1 to move to the position defined in the 'command' object that was passed when we triggered this function from IFTTT


//Flash the LED on so we can see that a message has been recieved - just because we can
RGB.color(0, 0, 255);
//Remember to add the delay for 2 seconds, otherwise the LED will just flash for a period of time too small for us to see
//Now set the LED back to off
RGB.color(0, 0, 0);
//detach the servo
//We return something to signify the end of the function - doesn't really matter what it is
return 1;


This thread should help.

Not really. I tried to follow his code at the end but got an error. I’ll keep playing with it. I was just hoping that there was an easy way.

Posting the error message might help to get that code running again.

After all the major point you’re after is probably not more than a one-liner (to enter Setup/Listening mode: WiFi.listen())

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What error are you getting when using my code? How are you building? Web IDE, Particle Dev, CLI, or Local?

The full example of my code can be found here: