November 26, 2024, 9:11pm
I have a library that is compiled for the nrf52 using arm-none-eabi-gcc, but it is distributed as a closed source library (e.g. it has a .a
file and header files).
I am looking for a way to link this to my application. I would like to avoid modifying the toolchain makefiles if possible (9 years ago, that seemed to be the only solution )
Is there a more elegant way to instruct the Particle makefiles to link my archive and add my include files to the global include path?
Hi, have you seen these ones? I do not know how elegant they are.
I understand this question has been asked before, but I'd like to inquire about something the GitHub docs say about linking static libraries. I am using the VSCode Particle Workbench.
I currently have some static libraries I'd like to link to my user application. The GitHub docs say this about linking libraries.
It looks to me like I should be able to tell the build system where my .a files are using the circled Makefile variables.
This is my source tree and custom makefile. …
There is a closed-source library for the BME680 weather sensor that allows it to detect specific gases based on some advanced mathematical manipulation of the raw sensor data:
But unfortunately they are only distributed as precompiled binaries, in the .a file format, for various chip types.
But they do offer one for the ARM Cortex M3, which I'm pretty sure is the same chip that is in my Particle Photon.
Is it at all possible to import and use these .a files in the Particle IDE? Just wonder…
Hi all, I guess it’s time to get some help as I’m stuck with this project again
long story short, I’m working with environmental sensor from Renesas/IDT ZMOD4510 after a long wait for approval, back to 2020 for use of their product firmware I realized that the examples available where for win belong with their evaluation kit so I abandoned the project but now they extend their examples even for Arduinos boards and provide the firmware for many ARM’s based devices including …
November 26, 2024, 11:01pm
Yes, I looked through those. Unfortunately they all come to (roughly) the same conclusion - that you have to modify the makefiles for the toolchain directly.
Was hoping that there was a way to specify additional LD search paths and libraries without modifying the toolchain makefiles directly (as the toolchain is shared amongst multiple projects on my machine).
There is no way to add an arbitrary .a file to the link process for user firmware without modifying the makefiles directly and building locally.