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It would be great if we could provide a simple library for all the creative people here…
Why Yahoo?
I chose yahoo api because it has a wide range of data but you can filter to load only those that you need! It supports JSON. From the following data I just selected high and low temp and description to reduce http response size.
I have a Spark Core + Temp / Humidity Sensor setup to display that data on a OLED Display and it pushed that data to Google Drive Spreadsheet to be logged and graphed.
I want to pull local temp and humidity data and display that on the OLED Display along with the indoor temps I’m currently displaying plus I want to graph the outdoor temp along with the indoor temp in Google Drive Spreadsheet along with the indoor temp.
Google drive can accepts data in various formats and will automatically download it but I couldn’t get it working with a different weather app somebody recommended.
So how would I go about trying to get the Spark Core to import local temp and humidity for my zip code so I can display it on the LCD screen?
Because I have trouble with the http-communiation with yahoo, I am switching to http://openweathermap.org/API, which gives me even more flexbility. I will let you know when it is ready for production.