It is possible to use {{PARTICLE_DEVICE_ID}} in webhooks URL


It is possible to use {{PARTICLE_DEVICE_ID}} and other in Full URL of WebHooks?

As query parameters the answer is yes, I have that working myself, this webhook definition example against requestbin illustrates that.

    "event": "testEvent",
    "url": "",
    "requestType": "GET",
    "query": {
        "device": "{{PARTICLE_DEVICE_ID}}"
    "noDefaults": true,
    "mydevices": true

This guide to webhooks is good Particle Webhooks Intermediate Tutorial but does not cover mustache/handlebars templates in the URL itself.

Yes this one i know..

How about add in url it will work?
"event": "testEvent",
"url": "{{PARTICLE_DEVICE_ID}}",
"requestType": "GET",
"query": {
"device": "{{PARTICLE_DEVICE_ID}}"
"noDefaults": true,
"mydevices": true

What happened when you tried?

Creating a webhook in the IDE, I entered this as url and it worked as intended:{{PARTICLE_EVENT_VALUE}}/config