We want to access data from sensors connected to photon on our Android Application using Android SDK. For that purpose we want to proceed as follow:
1.To get login to Particle cloud
2.Display list of devices on next screen
3.From this list user can choose any of device then display all variables corresponding to a account
4.From here user select desired variable and then ultimately data of that variable is displayed on Android Application.
So far we have only code for login to particle account and reading data from a variable.But we are getting error That VARIABLE DOES NOT EXIST.Code is as follow:
public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
v -> {
final String email = ((EditText) findViewById(R.id.email)).getText().toString();
final String password = ((EditText) findViewById(R.id.password)).getText().toString();
// Don't:
AsyncTask task = new AsyncTask() {
protected Object doInBackground(Object[] params) {
try {
ParticleCloudSDK.getCloud().logIn(email, password);
Toaster.l(MainActivity.this, "Logged in");
} catch (final ParticleCloudException e) {
Runnable mainThread = () -> {
Toaster.l(MainActivity.this, e.getBestMessage());
Log.d("info", e.getBestMessage());
// Log.d("info", e.getCause().toString());
return null;
// task.execute();
// DO!:
Async.executeAsync(ParticleCloudSDK.getCloud(), new Async.ApiWork<ParticleCloud, Object>() {
private ParticleDevice mDevice;
public Object callApi(@NonNull ParticleCloud sparkCloud) throws ParticleCloudException, IOException {
sparkCloud.logIn(email, password);
mDevice = sparkCloud.getDevice("3b0020000851363136363935");
Object obj;
try {
String strVariable = mDevice.getStringVariable("temp");
Log.d("BANANA", "Temperature: " + strVariable);
} catch (ParticleDevice.VariableDoesNotExistException e) {
Toaster.s(MainActivity.this, "Error reading variable");
return -1;
public void onSuccess(@NonNull Object value) {
Toaster.l(MainActivity.this, "Logged in");
Intent intent = ValueActivity.buildIntent(MainActivity.this, 123, mDevice.getID());
public void onFailure(@NonNull ParticleCloudException e) {
Toaster.l(MainActivity.this, e.getBestMessage());
Log.d("info", e.getBestMessage());
We have following queries:
1.What is Tag in Log.d
2. Is it possible to access variable without calling that function in which variable exists.
Kindly answer these questions as soon as possible.
Thank you.