Is there a good library for Adafruit 9-DOF Absolute Orientation IMU Fusion Breakout - BNO055

Hi, l have on order the adafruit NXP. I have also used the BNO055 and they don’t work as hoped. They fail when velocity is applied to the IMU, due to the auto calibration which can’t be switched off. Adafruit are saying the new IMU can do as well on the tilt compensated heading which is what l’m after for a yacht auto pilot.
The BNO055 was very accurate ± 2 degrees tilt error but would drift when velocity was applied or would not update, plenty of posts re this problem.

Quote “Others have used this with no problems in the past so I know it’s possible to get great results with it.”

I haven’t yet seen/read anyone even write about the latest IMU (apart from this post, please give posts), its only been out for less than 1 month from what l am aware.

BNO055 has fusion built into the chip, that is were the problem comes from, the NXP has to have all the data calculated on your board.
Are you using the latest ARHS from Adafruit, as it has the NXP calibration via Motion Cal and has a version for ardunio.
Regards Kevin

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