Invitation to Car Hax with Carloop & Particle

Hi all,

I’d like to extend an invitation to the community for a special event next week in San Francisco. My friend Alan and I have been running a meetup called Car Hax these past couple months where we explore the inner workings of car electronics of creating smart car apps.

The next Car Hax is going to be next Tuesday, December 6, in the evening at HAX Boost in San Francisco and is sponsored by Particle.

We’ll give a little talk to get people situated with car hacking then we’ll dive right into tinkering using Carloop, the connected car dev kit Alan and I created, and Photons/Electrons.

We’ll have several Partical employees and previous Car Hax attendees to help out so please come even if you don’t have experience with cars. Feel free to drop by to hang out too!

If you’re coming please register so we know how many people to expect:

If you want to tinker around with cool projects like this ^^ please join us at Car Hax!

If you’re not in the Bay Area and you would have liked to join, know that you will be missed! We love to hang with our fabulous community!