Installing Lastest Particle Dev Version

Is there a way to install the latest version or atom and particle dev from terminal?

It seems GitHub is a little to confusing for me. I’m welcome to other instructions on how to install from git hub.

I have deleted atom from my computer and want to start fresh with the latest version of Atom and particle dev. I tried entering the following commands in terminal

git clone
cd atom

and when the long process ends it yeilds:

Skipping code-signing. Specify the --code-sign option to perform code-signing
Skipping code-signing. Specify the --code-sign option to perform code-signing
Skipping creating installer. Specify the --create-windows-installer option to create Squirrel-based Windows installer.
Skipping creating debian package. Specify the --create-debian-package option to create it.
Skipping creating rpm package. Specify the --create-rpm-package option to create it.
Skipping artifacts compression. Specify the --compress-artifacts option to compress Atom binaries (and symbols on macOS)
Skipping installation. Specify the --install option to install Atom

I was prompted to update after getting a error when trying to compile. The error was in node.js and the program suggested i update atom/ particle dev


Let me ping someone that might be able to help, @rickkas7 are you able to assist?


I believe the issue may have resolved itself, as the library function of the desktop IDE is working now.

A related question; I have my project folder as the /src folder of my main project and the main project below so i can quickly access files, heres a picture.

My question is, is this the best way to do it? My code compiles but ill get “editor not responding” errors every once in a while.