Http Download library

Good work!

I hope to see this library up and working soon with your help!

Nope, it doesn't (without additionaly libraries and effort).

Bummer. Depending on your use case, you might want to run an nginx proxy on your server to “de-https” the traffic to your photon

Couldn’t he just store the files on a non HTTPS server to avoid this roadblock?

For sure if it’s a known list of files, but looks like he’s trying to pull stuff down from Wikipedia.

I think he mentioned Wikipedia is because it’s an example download file in the HTTP download library he is working with and not something he is actually trying to download.

You’re absolutely right, then. If it’s a known list of files you need, just serve them from http. If you need access to random files on the web then I would run a proxy to desecure them, assuming you understand the implications of doing so

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