How to send large file from Particle to server?

Thank you for your response! Yes, there is definitely limited space on the Photon, I like your FRAM idea, although I was hoping to stream the data off the Photon as it was being gathered, maybe 10k at a time or so. I will be gathering sound at 6kHz, so that reduces my memory load a bit.

The idea is to have lots of these little guys at various test sites (around the world) and gathering data into a central database.

I am looking into the TCPclient library for the outgoing connection…

On the server end, are there any recommendations to receive/archive/process the data? Node.js running on… Amazon AWS? Any examples or tutorials I could start with?

This post (Sending large data off Photon using TCPClient) and this post (Local server in node.js example) are great, but they are on a local network.

Any more insight is greatly appreciated!

All the work will be going into the open source domain :smile: