How to revoke/manage OAuth permissions for an app?

I would like to experiment with IFTTT, but before granting any kind of access to an app/service, I always look to confirm that I know how to revoke/manage the access. However, I don’t see any way to manage connected apps/services in my Particle account. Where can I see the apps to which I’ve granted permissions and how can I revoke each one?

Accesstoken management doesn’t have a real GUI yet. It’s accessible over the API, and also available in the CLI though.
I tried making a tool for it which would make it a bit more user friendly, which can be found here. No guarantees, but it seems to work rather nicely for my purposes.

@Moors7 Thanks for responding! I’ll check out what the API and CLI have to say about it.

Will you please remove that link you posted? Not only is it inappropriate to request user login information on your page :no_entry_sign: (you should only be using OAuth for authentication), but the page also does not utilize https and therefore a device connected to any node in the network route can capture the login information because it’s being transmitted without encryption. It would be bad for any Particle customers to have their information accidentally compromised due to naivety/ignorance.